I was wondering why so many people had turned out, when suddenly: an electrifying moment.


“On a weekday evening in early September, more than 400 people, from their late teens to their early 80s, crowded into a standing-room-only event on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. The topic was not politics, film, fashion, celebrity or any other subject that could be expected to draw such a crowd. The topic was forgiveness. Sitting in the audience, I was wondering why so many people had turned out, when suddenly: an electrifying moment.

About halfway through the discussion, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, a speaker and the author of “Jewish Literacy,” asked this question: “In how many of your families, at the level of first cousin or closer, are there people not on speaking terms?”

Two-thirds of the people in the room raised their hands. I, along with everyone else, gasped.

“I know,” he said. “It’s a staggering figure…

~ Bruce Feiler, How to Ask for Forgiveness, in Four Steps 

Notes: Quote – Thank you Susan. Photo – Stefano Corso.

33 thoughts on “I was wondering why so many people had turned out, when suddenly: an electrifying moment.

    1. Bill, I agree with you. Love is the root & there are times when we need to extend Forgiveness….I am thankful that others have Forgiven Me, in the past….I edited this these words out of a testimony I read at my Mom’s Celebration of Life, yesterday..”This is all Anyone of Us Wants is to Love another, to be Loved and To Be told in Actions and To Hear the Words I Love You” A person needs to belong.and be nurtured.

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  1. I’m so glad this came up though this question is not about ‘awe’ of which we last spoke. From Faith to Faith, As We Live in the Spirit is back The book is finally is back of the market and I hope you will find time to check it out again.

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    1. Sounds like a good book…I read this verse yesterday and think it is a great verse: “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wow! How nice that you responded to me. Your verse from Hebrews is very pertinent to our taking the responsibility to learn what it is God wants of us. This book is about the reason for that as well as the results. There are things He wants from us but not because they are rules but because we love Him. My connection with David K. is that he was interested in my Preface which is about AWE. Let me know if you would like to hear more and thank you for your response.

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        1. I listened to your song and read a book review, on Amazon. Two books, nice 🙂 I agree, our inward and thus outward manifestation should be a natural outflow of our Love for God..He desires us to be dependent on him, moment to moment.. One’s face should show his reflection..Joy Beam and our actions should reflect Christ Love….Much continued Peace to you….

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  2. Somehow I was cut off. Just wanted you to know that I consider living in the Spirit the resolution of most if not all of our problems. One cannot forget his own ego if he is unable to forgive. It requires both humility and submission to the will of the other person. I hope you will find it helpful.

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  3. Saying you forgive is one thing, trying your hardest to forgive is another, and forgiving utterly is a thing of saints. I think there’s always a few specks of unforgiveness-dust lurking behind acts of forgiveness, however hard we try to sweep it away. It’s a constant battle — housework of the soul!

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  4. Reblogged this on sherriemiranda1 and commented:
    Am very glad I figured out how to get in here from my husband’s iPad. We are away from home for 2 weeks & forgiveness is a subject near and dear to my heart. Once I learned to forgive, my life to a rapid change for the better. Remember: you don’t forgive for the other person; you do it for yourself so you can have peace and focus on more important things. Also, just because you forgive someone, you do not have to let them back in your life. If you do allow them back, keep your boundaries up so they can’t hurt you again.

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