Evolution? Not.


Source: Plotly via I Love Charts

23 thoughts on “Evolution? Not.

  1. Ouch. Hard to hit the ‘like’ button on this one, DK. Isn’t it sad?…. I grew up in a small Midwestern town where trust was the currency of the land. Statistics like these trouble me deeply…


  2. a sad statement all around, but i understand the truth behind it. as for me, i tend to have an ‘i trust until you show me otherwise’ approach to life, and it has gotten me into trouble at times, but i still choose to err on the side of human nature being innately good in most cases.


  3. It would be interesting to see how this study is broken down geographically too…..my parents in the Midwest, still don’t lock their doors.


  4. My thoughts in short? The more anonymous we become to each other, the less value trust has a currency. And that is profoundly impactful – to our society, to our relationships, and to our development as people.


  5. blimey – a sad day but perhaps understanding the way society is moving. The internet has provided a lot f access and exposed people to fraud in away that perhaps it wasnt possible in the past.


    1. Yes.

      Mind is the forerunner of all actions.
      All deeds are led by mind,
      created by mind.
      If one speaks or acts with a corrupt mind,
      suffering follows.
      If one speaks or acts with a serene mind,
      happiness follows.

      — Thích Nhất Hạnh


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