T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

art, painting, woman,tired,exhausted, fatigue, Giorgos Rorris


Painting by Giorgos Rorris from Journal Of a Nobody.  Giorgos Rorris was born at Kosmas, Arcadia Kinourias, Greece in 1963. In 2001 he was honoured by the Academy of Athens with the prize for “Young Painter less than 40 years of age”. In 2006 he was honoured by the “Alexandros S. Onassis” Foundation for his artistic work. His paintings form part of public and private collections. See more of his work here.

34 thoughts on “T.G.I.F.: It’s been a long week

  1. this work is amazing…. it’s raw emotion reaches out and touches the depths of my soul! I feel like i’ve been there but not quite as much as she has!


  2. my daughters have reminded me, that when i would come home after a long day of advertising. i would just sit on the couch, throw everything down and say, ‘just give me 10 minutes.’ i would then just sit silently and stare at the wall and breathe.


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