Where are the hotcakes!

pancakes, breakfast

Drip Maple is a small Canadian Syrup company.  “In the cold North, we’re born to appreciate the small things. With the short few months of summer fleeting, we have a long & cozy hibernation to enjoy the simple pleasures of Mother Nature. Maple is our choice and we have scoured the land to bring you the very best certified organic & delectably delicious maple syrup possible.”

And DON’T MISS this clip…mouth watering.


Image and idea Source: swissmiss

25 thoughts on “Where are the hotcakes!

    1. I like to think of Lent as a time to take something positive on board. For instance, instead of saying “I must stop losing my temper”, I say “I will be sweet tempered”. The same goes for what I eat or not, especially if giving it up makes me bad tempered! So you can say, “Maple syrup is full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and it is something sweet that is health-giving that can’t possibly count as a sinful!” (the body being the temple of the spirit, and all that).


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