Sunday Morning: Adrift

Adrift from Simon Christen on Vimeo.

Simon Christen, the producer: This video is a love letter to the fog of the San Francisco Bay Area. I chased it for over two years to capture the magical interaction between the soft mist, the ridges of the California coast and the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. This is where “Adrift” was born.  The weather conditions have to be just right for the fog to glide over the hills and under the bridge. I developed a system for trying to guess when to make the drive out to shoot, which involved checking the weather forecast, satellite images and webcams multiple times a day. For about 2 years, if the weather looked promising, I would set my alarm to 5am, recheck the webcams, and then set off on the 45-minute drive to the Marin Headlands.  I spent many mornings hiking in the dark to only find that the fog was too high, too low, or already gone by the time I got there. Luckily, once in a while the conditions would be perfect and I was able to capture something really special. Adrift is a collection of my favorite shots from these excursions into the ridges of the Marin Headlands.  I hope with my short film I am able to convey the feeling of happiness I felt while I experienced those stunning scenes.

33 thoughts on “Sunday Morning: Adrift

  1. The rivers of fog are one of the many reasons that make the San Francisco bay area so unique, an area I’ve loved for 40 years.


  2. Just yesterday the family and I headed to the City for a Giants baseball game. Beautiful weather, clear and warm. As we headed back home I looked to the west and saw the fog rolling in.
    Home these days is to the east, over the bay and into predictable weather. How I miss my City at times. For a few moments while driving home yesterday, I wanted to turn right, head west, and say hello again to the fog. San Francisco fog is something to behold. Thanks for sharing this video, it is wonderful.
    – Michael


  3. Lovely and powerful. Thank you David. “The gentlest thing in the world overcomes the hardest thing in the world. That which has no substance enters where there is no space. This shows the value of non-action.” From the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu.


  4. So beautiful. Wonderful share, Dave. I’ve been saving watching it until it was quiet here and I could just enjoy it — had a hunch it was special.


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