Tuesday Morning. And we’re off.


Need to catch 5:36 am to Grand Central.
Out the door.
Reach down in one motion…snag the morning paper and head down the street. Smooth. Just like 007.
Walking briskly. It’s 5:20.  ½ mile walk. Gotta go. Gotta go.
Grab iPhone to check weather.

Humidity: 96%
Wind: 4 mph
Temperature: 72F

Humidity. 96%. 96%.

Sweat accumulating on forehead.
I yank my tie off and toss it in my bag.
Why is my bag so damn heavy? Do I really need all this cr&p.
Beads of perspiration rolling down my back.
Shirt collar feels tight. I undo three buttons. Herb Tarlek. WKRP in Cincinatti.
Breathing heavy.
I take off my suit coat and fold it over my arm. Feel some relief.
Suit pants sticking to my legs.
Thighs rubbing together. (What fresh hell is this?)
Susan offered to drive me to station.  And I said what?  No? I’m good? 
Feet now sliding in dress shoes.  Wet feet. Sweaty socks. Oh, what a feeling.
Feel wisp of a breeze. God laughs.
Train arrives.
Not a single seat is open. It’s 5:36 am!
I stand.
Wipe my brow.  The back of my hand glistening.
I wiggle my toes.
And smile.
Where’s the bloody joy in this?

I like the rain before it falls. of course there is no such thing, she said. That’s why it’s my favorite. Something can still make you happy, can’t it, even if it isn’t real.

~ Jonathan Coe, The Rain before it Falls

Credit: Image – Dromo.com. Quote – journalofanobody

31 thoughts on “Tuesday Morning. And we’re off.

  1. I’m feeling ya, pal, although in my case it was sweatin’ it out at the gym. It’s like working out under a wet wool blanket. Nasty… Hope the trip home is more enjoyable….


    1. Air conditioned gym. Yes Lori. Exactly the same. But I love the sensory depiction – I feel exactly as one would feel covered with a woolly blanket on a hot day. Exactly. And yes, ride home was much better thanks.


  2. any climate change deniers out there still? thinking of the firefighters in Arizona this morning.. and wondering also why I complained about the cold and rain in Paris last week.. what was I thinking…


  3. Last Thursday caught the LIRR into Penn then the No. 1 downtown to 14th Street then the L to Union Square. Couldn’t have put up a better sweat if I spent an hour on the treadmill doing hill intervals at top speed. Stood under an air conditioning vent for 20 minutes to dry and cool off before heading upstairs to my appointment. NYC + summer = highly moisturized content. Bleah.


    1. Ouch. I could feel all of that. Nothing like blowing heat down in the subways. And the cool refreshing solace coming from the A/C. I’m with you Jeff. I really am.


  4. The only joy in this is the visual of you smiling about it..Nothing like feeling like a squishing around in your clothes…ANd then once you get into the air conditioning, all that sweat will dry to a film that will beg to be washed off all day. Keep smiling – the fresher hell would be going through that commute only to walk into an office where the cooling system is on the fritz.


    1. Smiling, grimacing – it all looks the same from a distance. 🙂 Funny – I felt exactly as you described it – a film all day. Then I had to walk across town – so one sweat caked onto another. Then dried. Then back home. Oh, the feeling of taking your shoes off and jumping into the shower. Is there anything better?


      1. Jumping into the pool..which I have done after a commute like that – without stopping to go in the house and get a towel. Did I say our house is secluded? It comes in handy when your body has turned into an oil slick and your head is so itchy from absorbing heat that you begin to feel like you’ll never be clean again.


          1. It is totally awesome…although Andy still shakes his head with disbelief. But twenty-plus years later and I’ve never been ‘caught’…


  5. Perspire and regain
    Your composure
    Don’t complain
    Its your idea to walk to train
    Is high humidity a strain
    Or you are too dressed up
    and decked up 🙂
    try to be simple
    always be light
    did you forget it is July
    its gonna be hot
    whether day or night


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