Paying it Forward…with Sunshine

Lesser Flamingo by Tejas Soni

I’m red faced.  This post, and several other Pay it Forwards, are coming in the next week or so.  Thank you Ellie @ The Muse Is Working, Barbara @ 365Guitars and Sheri @ Theothersideofugly for your Sunshine Award nominations.  I’m paying it forward by nominating the following bloggers who bring a ray of light in my daily reading (with a slant towards photos and photo shares):

  1. Carol @ Flowers, Trees, & Other Such Gifts of Nature (Simple. Spectacular. Spellbinding. Shots of flowers.  Mixed with inspirational quotes.) 
  2. Anake @ THE WAY I SEE IT (Gets me thinking. Eclectic shares. Look forward to it each morning.)
  3. Seth @ SETHSNAP (Prolific photography of shots in and around Cincinatti and elsewhere.  Amazing.)
  4. Tom & Kat @ hovercraftdoggy (Mix of photography shares.  Can’t miss posts. Creative. Wondrous. Thought-provoking.)
  5. Cristi @ Simple. Interesting. (Wave upon wave of incredible city and scenic shares.)
  6. Maralee @ Through My Lens (Landscape and Nature shots in and around Oregon. Love her work.)
  7. Linda @ A Nature Mom (Nature. Family. Captured in awesome way.)
  8. Nitzus (Family. Landscape.  Dream-like shots of Australia, New Zealand. Two places on the top of my bucket list to visit.)
  9. Sylvia @ Another Day in Paradise (Amazing blend of family and nature. Warmth.)
  10. Val @ Seattle Inspired (See site.  Think imagination and creativity. Never disappoints.)
  11. David @ David R. Wetzel Photography (Potpourri of ordinary and extraordinary shots of life)
  12. Scott @ Scott Marshall Photography.  (Scotland.  Bucket List.  Incredible shots. What talent Scott has.)
  13. Patrick @ Canadian Hiking Photography.  (Simply Wow shots of home.)
  14. Inga @ Inga’s Angle (Spellbinding shots of NYC…)

To accept the award, the rules are:

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you
  2. Post the award image to your page.  (Or don’t.  Just let the Sunshine in.)
  3. Tell seven facts about yourself (Or tell none like I did.)
  4. Nominate 5-10 other blogs (Or none.  Just know that you have an incredible blog)
  5. Let them know they are nominated

Sunshine Award

Image share: Thank you Mme Scherzo for the shot by Tejas Soni.

38 thoughts on “Paying it Forward…with Sunshine

  1. What a beautiful, sunny photo! Congratulations, David, and thank you so much for passing the sunshine along to me. I’m honored to be included in a list with the other blogs you listed. Love them all!


  2. hey Dave! acknowledging your well-deserved nomination, and thank you so much for paying it forward in my direction. you’ve been very supportive ever since i dipped my tentative toes into the blogosphere 18 months or so ago, and a constant source of inspiration ever since. warmest regards from GodZone …


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