My whole childhood was a big lie…

warner brothers, funny, cartoon, children, childhood, memories, wile e. coyote, the roadrunner, the Coyote “Every child who has ever seen a cartoon featuring Wile E Coyote and Road Runner has to have wondered if poor Wile E Coyote ever had a fair shot at catching the Road Runner.  According to Mark Lockwood’s Basic Texas Birds: A Field Guide, with or without Wile E. Coyote chasing it, a Greater Roadrunner can reach speeds of 20 MPH (32 KPH) while a Coyote can reach speeds of up to 43 MPH (69 KPH).”

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46 thoughts on “My whole childhood was a big lie…

    1. Exactly. Every Saturday morning I’d be watching. Lies. A child subjected to repeated episodes of lies. Now, this explains much as to my life’s later challenges. And they wonder where the cynicism and sarcasm came from…


  1. I’m aghast and agog.
    Really? All a lie? My day is shot.
    Yup – every Saturday morning. With all of ONE channel to choose from that’s what we watched.


      1. Hockey Night in Canada. The Friendly Giant. Yes – the moose commercials.
        Oh – and Rainbow Country. Remember that?


          1. Rainbow Country was a BC show. Set and filmed on the Sunshine Coast or maybe the Island. Bruno Gerussi et al…
            I always loved – and still do – the music on the Friendly Giant.


  2. Road runners are lunch to real coyotes. But in cartoon land anything that’s funny goes — and is quite possible. What fun would it be to watch a coyote kill and eat a bird? And while we’re at it the Elmer Fudds of the real world can usually rid themselves of rabbits. Let’s face it — the real world just isn’t as funny as the cartoon one. But — I get a thrill every time I see a coyote. My beloved dog used to love to chase them — fortunately their instinct was to run or he would have been lunch too.


      1. Yep — its my lot in life. A little like being Sisyphus. It helps me enjoy the life I actually lead but sometimes detracts from fantasy life. Yet I love a well constructed mythical world like in Star Trek or the Ring Trilogy. Bottom line — my sense of real keeps me from replying to offers like the one I just got — “$47.1 million deal — are you interested?” The Wily Coyote might have been behind that one too…


          1. Yes the more serious life is the funnier it is — or maybe it just ironic? But you know what’s hilarious — singing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah at a memorial. The sound is right depending on the interpretation and the title is often used in church but the lyrics are ironic and for most people a little twisted. Life is full of irony but the irony is so often missed because we choose to focus on one element. Ronald Reagan loved Springsteen’s Born in the USA — I guess it needed an emoticon. Of course no one could mistake the meaning and mood of John Lennon’s A Working Class Hero. He was my kind of guy — even when he was depressed and negative (maybe that was when I related the most?) But yeah — the Road Runner should have been the winner every time — kinda like Superboy could score a touchdown every time if his foster Dad had allowed him to play football in high school… but I digress…


  3. We have a pack of coyotes who live at the end of our road and across a large field, on the other side of our valley…I am grouping the Gang of 5 (Jake the Wonder Dog, Callie the Sleek Dog, OC the World’s Smallest Cat, Zip the Snuggling Kitty, & Andy the I Meant It Nicely Kitty) together and showing them this post…thanks for the public service announcement…be encouraged!


  4. He actually caught the Road Runner once. It was the Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner animated television special directed by Chuck Jones called “Soup or Sonic” that was released in 1980. That’s the only time he caught him.

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