Picture of Bliss




  1. Perfect happiness; great joy.
  2. Something providing such happiness.


Bliss Definition: Google

45 thoughts on “Picture of Bliss

  1. I can’t imagine this ever. I think I have 5,000 e-mails in my work inbox right now. Crazy, right? I do sort them to different folders, too, but I get so many e-mails that it is hard to keep up.

    I have pondered if it’s actually bad to have thousands of e-mails in your inbox? Does it slow down your e-mail, or just make it disorganized? Also, I think I am an “e-mail hoarder”, if there is such a thing. LOL.


  2. Come on no body likes empty inbox. On the second thought may be some like it this way, I’m free so I like ‘ so ans so has commented on your post ’emails.


  3. I try so hard to keep up with my emails. Every time I clear up one, ding, two more appear. Like you, When it is cleaned up it only last ten minutes at the most and then it starts all over again. Right now, I am behind.



      1. Carrie Klassen in Toronto calls me an ’email whisperer’. Here’s another post I did on Getting Things Done [GTD] and Gmail yesterday; http://e1evation.com/2013/02/01/getting-things-done-gtd-tweaks-for-gmail/ I know you’re a Yahoo! guy, but you can also seamlessly have your Yahoo! emails sucked into Gmail if you want to get more productive. Yahoo! hasn’t really improved their email interface in a decade — Gmail does it every month… 😀


          1. Bingo! There’s a blog post in there, I think. I feel exactly the opposite. Yahoo! looks cluttered to me. Sounds like we both have powerful paradigms in play… 😀


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