1 Year. And Counting…

One year ago this weekend, I ventured out into the blogosphere.  In this Happy Anniversary to Me Post, here’s a few of my observations and reflections over the past year:

STATS: 882 posts. 215,946 views. 14,202 comments. (Can these be real?)

INSANITY. Doing The Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting a Different Result. My “Tags” have reproduced like rabbits. 1,946 Tags. (WHAT. AM. I. DOING. HERE? I have Tag addiction. I tried to create a Page and they all wouldn’t fit. Tags have become the drawer that you keep stuffing the “really important stuff” that you’re going to need later – the drawer is now impossible to open and close. And I have no idea how to unwind this monstrosity.)

I Just Don’t Get It. My “Categories.” I have 11 categories. I mark most posts with many categories. (So, exactly how are you helping your followers find a post if they all have the same categories?)

NAGGING at me.  Months ago, Joe C. had told me that I had my Blog Name (Lead.Learn.Live) backwards.  He believed it should be re-ordered “Live.Learn.Lead.” (As each day passes, I think he’s right.  Yet, I can’t do it.  I can’t change it.  I just can’t. NO. NO. NO.)

SHARES vs. Self-Produced Posts.  Posts are heavily weighted to “shares” or “curated” content.  (Used to bother me.  No more.  If it moves me, it’s going up.)

SURPRISED Myself.  This blog’s content has veered sharply away from “LEAD” and “LEARN” into “LIVE.” (Not sure how and when…but we’re going with it.)

WHY do I do this?  I ask myself this same question. Bottom line: It’s therapeutic.  I enjoy it.  All of it. (Yet, has this become another one of your compulsive horse races to achieve?  And, for what end?  Ahhh, really?  You had to go there.  Just let it go pal.  Just for one day.  Cut yourself some slack.)

Most SURPRISING.  The blogger community. A new world.  Wired. Warm. An introvert’s Fantasy Island.

Dance With the One That Brung Ya: Thank you Todd Lohenry, Kurt @ Cultural Offering, Steve @ Anderson Layman’s Blog and Nicholas Bate who gave me a leg up when I first started.

Bloggers EXTRAORDINAIRE: I continue to add to my Blog Roll.  Check out these Bloggers – you’ll find it will be time well spent.

AWARDS.  I’ve been saving this one since August 27th. Thank you Cristi @ Simple.Interesting. for nominating me for the “Family of Bloggers Award.”

Here’s my nominees.  This list comprises bloggers (and non-bloggers) who have followed me from my early days.  You all inspire me each day (often early morning) with your own posts, your visits, your views, your likes, your comments, your hits, your jabs, your sighs and your insights.  Thank you for following and your friendship.   (And I’ll be mortified if I’ve left anyone out…)

    Here’s to another year on this ride…

Image Source: awesomeness-of-nph

82 thoughts on “1 Year. And Counting…

  1. David, congratulations! You have such an amazing blog. Each week I have to wonder, “How does he do it? How does he sustain it day after day?” But you not only do it but excel at it. You constantly surprise, delight and, yes, “lead.” Keep it up. You are an inspiration! – Jay


  2. Congratulations David! Your blog is just so refreshing and I as well as your many followers look forward to seeing what you will bring us each day. You have accomplished so much in so short of time. Thank you for the honor of bestowing this award to me also. It is deeply appreciated and lifts my soul.


  3. Hi David – I really like the name of this award, Family of Bloggers Award, so thank you so much for including me on your list of nominees. You are an inspiration to all of us, so THANK YOU for being here for an entire year…and PLEASE don’t ever go away. Sorry, is that a bit too much pressure?? Please stay for a long time…is that better? Congratulations on this award. You deserve it! Love to you David! 🙂


  4. Happy anniversary David! Isn’t paper the traditional gift for year one? Makes srp17’s reference to a book rather timely. I know … that would actually make it another gift for us, which is totally backwards. Thanks for the inspiration and the nod. Looking forward to another year of your inspirational posts.


  5. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations…One year is notable enough; your stats are incredible. And as you sit there shaking your head in disbelief I wonder what it will take for you to realize that you have given as much if not more than you’ve received (so if you calculate that out and realize that all those numbers your blog has received, pale in comparison to what you have given – are you with me on this?). You and Lori were the first blogs I followed, and I’m still trying to catch up to you guys so I can walk beside you. You tease, inspire, rail, fret, love, laugh, question and challenge all of us. I don’t know David, but that sure makes Lead.Learn.Live the perfect title from where I sit. I humbly and happily thank you for including me in your award recognition and I gratefully accept. But not today. Today is yours and I really just want the focus to be on you. Feel a little uncomfortable with such affection from this community? Too bad. I know your sister – she thinks your incredible too – so I guess you’ve learned to deal with it in real life. Now you have to just deal with it in blog land too. You are awesome my friend.


    1. Thank you Mimi. You “know” how I feel. I appreciate all that you do. And you see who is on top of my Family of Bloggers list. Let me just stop there. Have a great Sunday. Dave


  6. Love the whole post – from top to bottom. It encapsulates what I (we – the family) have come to love about you – the humour, the graciousness, the gratefulness, the intense desire to seek beauty and knowledge. Your posts are inspiring, annoying, humourous – and the comments – sometimes I’m in awe at the time and energy you put into all the responses. It’s been an incredible journey so far. You’ve expanded my world in more ways than you know.


  7. Heartiest CONGRATS David! Cannot believe that you’ve only been doing this gig for a year–the way you swing for the fences day after day (OK, I’ve just exhausted my store of sports analogies 😉 ) one would think you were one of the eminence Gris’ of the blogging world, at the helm of this little ship for years….Funnily enough (or more likely kismet I like to think) you and Mimi were the first two blogs that I followed when I embarked on this little journey and now as then, you both continue to delight and awe me day after day. I am humbled by your recognition, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Like Mimi, I think your blog’s title is just right–you lead by example every day with your humor, humility, and insight, and I am forever grateful that I stumbled into your sphere. Congrats again and best wishes for many more years of laughter and enlightenment!


  8. David, sincere congratulations on reaching a great milestone. The average blog dies out after a few months, but yours has staying power. Now that you have reached the one year mark, I suspect that you are in it for the long haul. All the best and here’s to another great year.



    1. Hi John. Thank you for dropping by and for your kind words. I’ve been an enthusiastic follower of your blog – talk about long haul and staying power…I appreciate your vote of confidence. We’ll try to measure up. Have a good weekend John.


  9. David, first of all many many congratulations. The numbers speak for themselves, but so what? It’s not a competition, right?

    I bumbled into your Blog not that long after I got going. and you made me realise just how idle I really am. How on earth you cram what you do into your day, let alone give it the energy and commitment that you do, I really do not know. Suffice to say you continue to be an inspiration to me to try harder and give more. Thank you so much for including me in your Family of Bloggers; why you would do that when my main contribution, I think, is to post cheeky comments and ask you impertinent questions, is again beyond me. It means more to me than you realise, and I am genuinely honoured.

    So here’s to the next 1,000 posts, 250,000 views and 20,000 comments. That is an awful lot of inspiration that you are unleashing in one way or another, my friend.

    Thought you might also like to know that, because of time differences, yours is usually the last piece of online content I read before I go to bed, and the first that I read when I wake up and let the dog out. You’d better keep this going otherwise you are going to DESTROY LIVES.

    (No pressure).


    1. Smiling. I believe you know why you are included in my Family of Bloggers but it bears repeating – you keep it real, you engage with thoughtful comments, you have posts that make me think, and you make me laugh. Thank you for your followership and your friendship. Means a lot to me. (Oh, yea, another reason – you earn the post of the year for best learning – airplane story where you are asked to change your seat. Genius.)


  10. Happy 1-Year Anniversary, Dave! Cheers! And thank you for including me in your list of “Family of Bloggers” nominees. A very special honour.

    Many happy returns of the day!


  11. David, what everyone else said my friend! thank you so much for doing what you do, and for being you. the candour and honesty in your posts always touches me, and is a real inspiration and indeed challenge. (i have to say i’m never (ever) going to get used to those chirpy “Inspired at 4:15 a.m.” post headings however!) thank you for your generosity which manifests in so many ways …


    1. Thank you Anake. Smiling. The problem with the perky 4:15 am headings is that I’m a Zombie at 4:15 pm when everyone is gathering a head of steam. Thank you for your kind words. I’m humbled.

      I love your blog. It is a stop for me each day. I look at each picture and ask myself – where does he find this great work? What a fine eye (and mind) he has. It forces me to slow down, pause, think and admire. You start each day off for me in a good, solid place. Thank you for all that you do.


  12. Whoa! 882 post in 1 year! Awesome!

    As far as your blog title – Lead should come first as you wrote it. You gotta take the wind at the front to Learn anything. Then Live it.


    – Jeff


  13. Happy anniversary! You did a great job. I actually thought you started blogging many years ago. And sorry, BUT…I might agree with the re-ordering of the words in your title 😛
    Congratulations anyway!


  14. Happy Anniversary! I am so happy that I found you! You inspire me, you bring laughter to my mornings and you make your posts highly anticipated. I enjoy beginning my mornings with you! Congratulations! 🙂 Keep on Leading…Learning…and Living!


  15. I am so honored to receive this award from you. To be considered a part of a family of bloggers like you is humbling and very rewarding. I really value your friendship and the many lessons I have learned, the tips on leading and the value of living that your blog offers. My congratulations go out to you for receiving this award.



  16. Hey Dave,
    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S (= You have been an Inspiration and Motivation for all of us. Keep up the good work, Man. *Winks* 🙂


      1. Your most welcome and Thanks Dave for asking. It means alot to me 🙂 I was really busy with work and studies that’s why I have been reading your posts behind schedule and it didnt’t seem appropriate to comment late and I regreted reading this post late.


  17. Today, I found your comment notifying me of “The Family of Bloggers Award” in my Spam. How could wordpress treat you like that?

    My apologies for not reading your post properly at the weekend and missing the fact that you were nominating me for the “Family of Bloggers Award” and not just giving me a mention. So, thank you very much 🙂 I’ll do a post on this, when I get a minute.

    Do you get days when you’d need to have super powers to juggle everything you have to do? This is when I sometimes don’t read things properly D:


  18. Long overdue, but Happy Anniversary!! And so many thanks for the nomination and mention — it’s greatly appreciated. I adore your uplifting blog and its wonderful interactivity… 🙂


  19. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already 😉 Cheers!


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