Indigo. Indigoing. Indigone.

Kate Powell“At birth we are red-faced, round, intense, pure. The crimson fire of universal consciousness burns in us. Gradually, however, we are devoured by our parents, gulped by schools, chewed up by peers, swallowed by social institutions, wolfed by bad habits, and gnawed by age; and by that time we have been digested, cow style, in those six stomachs, we emerge a single disgusting shade of brown. The lesson of the beet, then, is this: hold on to your divine blush, your innate rosy magic, or end up brown. Once you’re brown, you’ll find that you’re blue. As blue as indigo. And you know what that means, Indigo. Indigoing. Indigone.”

~ Tom Robbins




Sources: Image –  1000drawings via  Quote: gene-how

24 thoughts on “Indigo. Indigoing. Indigone.

  1. I think I like this – not entirely sure! There’s been too much chewing, swallowing, wolfing and gnawing going on around me in the past couple of days and I’m not sure where my head is! Something is bound to show up in a post in the next couple of days. 🙂


  2. This one has been on my mind all evening and I think it is totally on track. We have to surround ourselves with positive people, have a positive mental attitude, develop good habits and believe in ourselves…or we will get eaten up. You pick a good one!! Thanks.


  3. I was heading for brown until I started using a lightbox first thing every morning (all the year round–not just the winter). I think a large amount of the brown can be blamed on the shit that life throws at us, but it’s down to our genes and chemical make-up how we react to it.


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