All-Blogger Alert!

blog shoo inHere are links to notable blogging/writing posts in the past week:

Kurt Harden @ Cultural Offering with I Love a Tradition and Ray Visokski @ A Simple Village Undertaker with Officially A Tradition where they invite bloggers to a face-to-face meeting in Newark. (I was reading too fast.  I thought they meant Newark, NJ which would have been a no-brainer.  The idea has me thinkin’.  Maybe something smaller and more local? Yes, Brenna, me too – way (way) out of comfort zone. On the other hand, YOLO?)

Madame Scherzo: The 10 Most Commonly Misunderstood Words In English.  (Got me on “Enormity” and several others.)

Michael Hyatt15 Resources For Pro Bloggers (Or those who want to be).  (I’m not a Mac user but there are solid tips in his post.)

Caitlin Kelly @ BroadsideBlogHer 2012 — was it worth it? “Three days of full-on intensity, 5,000 bloggers in one midtown Manhattan hotel, about 80 percent of whom — maybe 90 percent — were female, and under the age of 40…”

Utterly Banal: How to Write Good by Frank Visco.  (Clever.  Yes.)

how to write good

Thank you Anderson Layman for cartoon share.

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15 thoughts on “All-Blogger Alert!

  1. 24. Thou shalt not use inappropriate apostrophe’s.
    In response to any number of the other points – mea culpa. These are sure to pound my brain as I write my next post.


  2. With the global reach, it is getting harder and harder to write ‘proper’ English. Thanks for the tips. Now where will this regional (East Coast) conference be?


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