A Blogger’s Gift to A Blogger…

blogger giftI was flipping through emails after lunch today when I came across an email from a fellow blogger, Alex Jones @ The Liberated Way.  Alex is from Colchester, 60 miles Northeast of London in the UK.  Not unlike most other blogger relationships, I’ve never met Alex.  I’ve never spoken to him.  We have traded comments and links over the past month or so.  I’ve come to appreciate his posts and his frequent and insightful comments on mine.  And the wheels on the blogger bus keep turning.  So, when I read Alex’ post this afternoon, I was movedI was grateful.  I was touched.  I was humbled.  What a wonderful, thoughtful and unexpected gift on Father’s Day.  Thank you Alex.  You made my day.

Alex’s post reminded me of the great bloggers who had recognized me for various awards. I’ve been a non-participant in the awards process (grist for another future post) – – so, we have Alex to thank for pushing me over the tipping point.

I have added an Awards tab on the Menu bar to thank all of you. And I would like to do so here again in alpha order in this post.  I would also encourage all of my readers to check out these excellent bloggers when you have a moment:

Stephen Edwards @ Life Revelation stated in a recent post on Caring (Virtue #8- Caring)– “Caring is an essential part of us. No doubt it is important to those on the receiving end…because often it comes out of nowhere…(but) I suspect it is more important to the giver. Maybe it makes us different inside.”

I’m with Stephen on his point of view.  It made me reflect on how much I have personally benefited from this blogging journey. The extension of the connections – in sheer numbers, in diversity and in geography (global). And I’ve benefited from the personal learning and growth…a void being filled as the clock ticks away to an empty nest in September.

Finally, Alex and all of my blogger friends have inspired me to quote Dalai Lama in closing:

“Given the scale of life in the cosmos, one human life is no more than a tiny blip. Each one of us is a just visitor to this planet, a guest, who will only stay for a limited time. What greater folly could there be than to spend this short time alone, unhappy or in conflict with our companions? Far better, surely, to use our short time here in living a meaningful life, enriched by our sense of connection with others and being of service to them.”
~ Dalai Lama

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41 thoughts on “A Blogger’s Gift to A Blogger…

  1. It is extremely special when someone admires your work, and becomes loyal and dedicated follower. It proves that one never knows what impact their having on another individual through their creativity and inspiration. In your case, David, there is a silent majority who feel the same as Alex, and you touch them with your words every post. Well deserved!!


  2. Happy Father’s Day. And thank you for your kind acknowledgement. I look forward to exploring your blog in the near future, when I get back home from my recent wandering. 🙂


  3. You welcome David, it was my pleasure to nominate you and thank for sharing such a reflective quote from the Dalai Lama. I am in full agreement with his words and with Stephen Edwards. ❤ ❤ ❤


  4. David. First off, ‘You’re very welcome’ and deserving of all your blog awards. This post actually hit a great many points with me. I too will be an empty nester come Sept. and have starting extending myself (like starting the DogDaz blog) in preparation for the emotional change that is coming. I find the Dalai Lama an inspiration and try to live my life “in service,” which is not always easy, but definitely has made it the best possible life for me. Blogging has opened many new relationships for me, all virtual, but rewarding. In someways, by virtue of the medium, I think that my blogfriends know a more intimate and personal side of me than the flesh-and-blood friends that I meet for coffee. Regarding the principal of reciprocity – repaying a kindness with a kindness – I think this maintains our humaness, even in the virtual world. A simple ‘thank you’ to an act of kindness or compliment, especially when unexpected, is important and part of our human nature, otherwise we lose the relationship and become ingrates. In this world of very self absorbed, individual activities (like blogging), I think that we form new kinds of relationships, that are only now being defined. I look forward to the blog full of grist on the award process, I can only imaging what ‘learning’ you will pass along on that one. – Lorian of DogDaz


    1. Lorian, your comment resonated with me on so many fronts (blogfriends knowing a more intimate side of me; blogging opening new relationships; service; gratitude/thank you). We are squarely aligned. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I’m with you.


  5. Wow David, what an awesome honor, you are such a humble person, which fits you perfectly and is partially why other find your wisdom and charm so attractive. Thank you for being you and posting like you do! Enjoy the honors that have been bestoed upon you.



  6. Hello David, it is a daily pleasure to read your blogs. The WordPress community as a whole has been a great discovery. May you continue to bring joy and inspiration through your blogs for many years to come.


  7. You do deserve these accolades, regardless of your discomfort with receiving them. You who are so talented and giving, need to figure out how to accept that reality, hmmmm? Congratulations!


  8. Wonderful post! I too have recieved some awards and have not put them up mainly because I cannot chooze among the world of great bloggers. I have thanked the people who bestowed the award of course. Your blog might spir me to action. Thank you!


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