Sunday Morning Inspiration from Kewaunee County Wisconsin…

Bill Pevlor and his family live in rural Kewaunee County, in northeast Wisconsin.  Todd Lohenry had posted a number of Bill’s photos on his blog which led me to find Bill and his inspiring work.  I’ve shared a few of Bill’s photos below with Bill’s permission.  I encourage you to check out Bill’s site @ to see his entire collection.

A Bright Future


“On The Wings”


“Spring’s Serenade”


“Kewaunee in B&W”


“Boardwalk in the Fog”

44 thoughts on “Sunday Morning Inspiration from Kewaunee County Wisconsin…

  1. Very nice. I went through his archives and I agree, favorites are hard to pick as they are all good! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Wonderful David! Thx to you (and Bill) for this “visual smorgasbord” to start my day! As for favorites, I’m captivated by the rich, atmospheric “film noir” quality of “Boardwalk in the Fog.”


  3. These are stunning. I didn’t already have enough sites to visit online that consume my time that could be spent – oh, I don’t know – reading? playing the piano? cooking? even cleaning the house? – so thanks for directing me to yet one more awesome, inspirational space, Dave 🙂

    Seriously. Thanks. I’ve got it bookmarked.


    1. Not admitting anything here – but I found it a bit disconcerting yesterday when I was reading the newspaper IN PRINT (hard copy, the pages that get the fingers inky) and I kept looking for the LIKE button…


  4. I have enjoyed immensely reading your blog. As a writer I know you will understand if I am absent from making comments for a couple of months. I have two books I’m writing and the push is on to get them finished…so with only 24 hours in the day, I am going to continue to read and like, but my comments will be limited to replies for those who comment on my blog…thanks for the grace.

    Be encouraged!


  5. David – thank you for exposing my work to your loyal followers. And thank you to all who had such kind words. I am humbled by your graciousness…and inspired to go snap a few more. 🙂

    I would have responded sooner but I didn’t know of this post until I ran into Todd today and he mentioned it.

    For those who like roses…I have a dandy coming up in a day or two.


  6. How wonderfully these photos cause me to “lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help: My help cometh from the Lord!”


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