SMWI*: Cranberries

This is a bit of a departure from the usual SMWI* (Saturday Morning Workout Inspiration) clips but no less inspiring.  The imagery on this short film is stunning.  This video was filmed in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin in cranberry bogs.  This extreme sport is called winch boarding which involves “being pulled by a large machine while on a skateboard, surfboard, snowboard, or other type of board.”  Don’t quit on this one too early.

(Source: The Minneapolis Egotist: Two Locals & Red Bull Created a Stunning Cranberry Wakeskating Video.

Arthritic Schoep is lulled to sleep in warm Lake Superior Waters…

 “They say a dog is a man’s best friend, but to John Unger, a Wisconsin resident, his dog, Schoep, means everything. Unger adopted Schoep as a 8-month old puppy and the two have been together ever since. Now, at 19 years old, Schoep has arthritis and has trouble sleeping…Unger found that water is therapeutic for his pained buddy, so he takes Schoep into Lake Superior and lulls him to sleep…Schoep trusting John so much he falls asleep in the buoyancy of the water which soothes his arthritic bones.”

Read more of this inspiring story at The Huffington Post.  Thank you conflictingheart for the share.

And more background at this YouTube video clip.

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Sunday Morning Inspiration from Kewaunee County Wisconsin…

Bill Pevlor and his family live in rural Kewaunee County, in northeast Wisconsin.  Todd Lohenry had posted a number of Bill’s photos on his blog which led me to find Bill and his inspiring work.  I’ve shared a few of Bill’s photos below with Bill’s permission.  I encourage you to check out Bill’s site @ to see his entire collection.

A Bright Future


“On The Wings”


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