The Era of Prosperity-on-Auto-Pilot Is Over

From GapingVoid:

“Hardly a mor­ning goes by these days without me hea­ring some story…about Ame­ri­can eco­no­mic woe…

The Great Con­ver­gence is upon us, and our friend, the Inter­net is acce­le­ra­ting the pro­cess…

The good news is, if you have a talent, the world wants it, and it has never been so easy to show your talent to the world…

The bad news is, espe­cially for us fat & lazy Ame­ri­cans, is that the great, century-long era of Prosperity-on-Autopilot  is over…

The world still wants serious talent. And it still wants peo­ple doing the grunt work: pushing mops, dig­ging ditches, wai­ting tables, ans­we­ring pho­nes, flip­ping bur­gers etc…

Learn how to work hard, work long hours. Find something you love, and then excel at it. Above all else, learn how to create, learn how to invent. That’s your only hope, really.

8 thoughts on “The Era of Prosperity-on-Auto-Pilot Is Over

  1. And for those like me who may not have the talent but excel at discerning talent, our hope and pleasure rests in reading the talented urgings of others…:-) Happy Tuesday David


  2. Great post! Have a related lesson. The “rewards” for hard work might not look like I originally expected, or arrive when I expect them. But, interestingly enough, they always arrive, and when they do, I’m always grateful that I put in the effort.


  3. David, this is just a profound and concise statement of our global economic situation. Personally, I think it is HIGH TIME the focus is on hard work and talent!


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