Life Goal Aid or Blocker?

32 thoughts on “Life Goal Aid or Blocker?

  1. This can resemble anything, or a metaphor for many situations. But, it reminds me of online job searching. You post your resume into the vast cyberspace, and it falls aimlessly into a large gap or gorge. “Is anybody down there?” And, yes, at times I feel as though this ‘virtual’ gap is keeping me separated from my life (career) goals.


  2. I think that both could be applicable. I find that the Internet has do much to offer e.g. finding a job, a great recipe or a great deal on dslr but it also has its drawbacks as well. No offense to Facebook or any social media outlet for that matter and it’s users but I think it can consume you (if you let it) and even small life goals are not achieved… Getting up from in front of the computer of putting down your smartphone is becoming increasingly difficult. The latest news and updates must be known but at what price? Does that makes sense? Maybe it’s too early for me… 🙂 but I am guilty of all of it myself. 😦


  3. Excellent illistration with many applications but I think that your little guy can jump over the gorge! and I think that you certainly have! Have a wonderful day!


  4. Cracking up on this totally unproductive writing day. I’ve been sitting here for almost an hour with not a single word on the page….

    Have a great weekend,


  5. I am glad that I hve given myself only two time slots for doing internet work. Before 10 am and then again in the evening, unles the weather is bad, or my shoe hurts my toe, or the wind is too strong, or the spider that is perched on the step won’t let me out of the house, or….


  6. Like a few of the comments above the Internet can be replaced with so many other things (time suckers) that distract us from our goals and then we wonder why we are in the “sink hole”. Great picture & reminder. Thanks.


  7. Dude! You’re not going to blame this on the interenet, are you? Shakespeare said it right when speaking about the internet: “Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so”…


  8. Pingback: Space for lasam

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