You do not achieve your goals simply by wanting it…

Lawren Harris: Clouds, Lake Superior, 1923 - Oil on canvas (Winnipeg Art Gallery)

U.S. Andersen, Take 3 from The Magic in Your Mind.

“Will equals intellect.”

“…Benedict Spinoza wrote, “The will and intellect are one and the same thing.”  In other words, we always do the thing that our understanding prompts us to do.  Wishing does not make it so, and desire itself is only a key that unlocks the door of understanding.  Knowledge moves the world.  We cannot make ourselves or anybody else do anything that we are not capable of controlling through having a complete knowledge of all the factors involved.  There is a law that follows all accomplishment, all attainment, all creation, all action, and that is the law of sacrifice.  Nothing in this world is gained except by giving up something else, for nothing occupies and absorbs consciousness except that it displaces something else from that position; and whatever occupies consciousness receives the total energy and thought and imagination of the individual, absorbs him as it were, and tends to come into his life as a complete and whole thing. You do not achieve your goals simply by wanting it; you achieve it primarily through thinking about it.  Through thinking about it, you grow into understanding of it, and it is this understanding that delivers that goal in the end…”

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7 thoughts on “You do not achieve your goals simply by wanting it…

  1. I really love this article of yours. Thanks for sharing. I share the same opinion. Knowledge is power. Once you cultivate your mind and your soul, you can freely say that nothing negative in this world can enslave you, no dogma, no biases.

    Thanks for the wonderful insight!


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