The “Meez” & 20 Words To The Promised Land.


If you’re working in the kitchen of Anthony Bourdain, legendary chef and famed television personality, you don’t dare so much to boil hot water without attending to a ritual called: mise-en-place.

What is the first thing YOU do when you arrive at your desk?

What 20 word question can you ask yourself to distinguish between tasks that simply feel urgent from those that are truly important?

Find the answers here: How to Spend the First 10 Minutes of Your Day


15 thoughts on “The “Meez” & 20 Words To The Promised Land.

  1. Good “pep talk” for the early days of a busy week. I actually try (though don’t always succeed) to make up the list for the next day the night before, so that I can sit down ready to rock. I totally agree about the emails (though I succumb to their siren song nonetheless). Ahhh well, let’s just say I’m a “work in progress” (though I think my husband may have referred to me as a “piece of work” or was it a “tool” just last night?….)


    1. Laughing. There she is again. Sitting the night before with her planner, outlining and scheduling her day. She wakes up. Does her 1 hour morning work-out religiously. Then proceeds to execute on her plan as outlined. Can anyone be this good? (Note to Self: Secretly hoping she falls off the wagon and binges on 3 donuts this morning.)


      1. You missed the operative word in the paragraph above, pal. TRY, I *try* to make a list. :-/ and wishing a sugar binge on me…wow. This is the thanks I get for hooking you up with a steady flow of caramel filled creations, yummy pistachio chip cookies and other sundries?


          1. I am LOVING this conversation!! Laughing and enjoying your banter…and I hesitate to chime in. Meet one’s deadlines, do what requires the most immediate effort. But ‘invest’ in the stuff that’s important “is it going to matter to me in five years”. For me than answer is affirmative if – it’s going to help someone, improve a situation, repair a wrong…


          2. 🙂 In 5 years, not much will matter, except perhaps the human assistance points you raise. My favorite quote on the topic:

            “Last year someone gave me a charming book by Roger Rosenblatt called ‘Ageing Gracefully’…I did not appreciate the title at the time but it contains a series of rules for ageing gracefully. The first rule is the best. Rule number one is that ‘it doesn’t matter.’ ‘It doesn’t matter that what you think. Follow this rule and it will add decades to your life. It does not matter if you are late or early, if you are here or there, if you said it or didn’t say it, if you are clever or if you were stupid. If you were having a bad hair day or a no hair day or if your boss looks at you cockeyed or your boyfriend or girlfriend looks at you cockeyed, if you are cockeyed. If you don’t get that promotion or prize or house or if you do – it doesn’t matter.’ Wisdom at last.”

            ~ Milton Glaser, Ten Things That I Have Learned


  2. oh, i am have using the ‘mess-in-place’ method.’ this has taken years to perfect. after you a refinished, you have a massive cleanup, and it can be colorful. my french must be a bit off.


  3. I always start the day looking at emails and phone messages. The emails especially become such a huge time suck. Describing that as letting others “hijack our focus and letting others’ priorities take over” really struck a nerve with me. I had been making a task list for the following day before I left the office each night and found it very helpful and productive. For some reason, I got out of the habit. Time to meez again!


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