
Selma Hayek Visits Caleb in Jordon.


  1. Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again.
  2. Thank you Sawsan for sharing!

34 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

  1. “faouzia” desert rose
    “faouzia” hadi moda twila

    Music located on YouTube using either of the two searches above. The search in English will return the video with the most views (4M) as the top result.

    Still searching for good places to purchase/download the song. If you use the same searches in Google, you’ll get a bunch of hits. I’m trying to find the download on a well-known USA music site (iTunes, Amazon music, etc.) No luck with that yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. (Insert wisecrack for Dave here 🙃)

    Paul says: “OK, I will!“
    Dave… See that +1 ? That’s MATH!

    1’s are critically important in the world of computers, because as you know, when you get down to the hardware level all that cool stuff on your screen is composed of ones and zeros.

    In binary (base two), Sawsan is 110010 years young!

    …and that memory in your computer…
    There’s a possibility that I helped design the great great great great grandparent version of those chips. (I am now officially a software dinosaur!). This is my tiny geeky way of supporting The Arts. 🙃

    (OK… I will officially get off of the “math“ bandwagon…at least for a while.)

    (Please forgive my pathetic attempt at humor. 🤪. I REALLY need a therapy dog!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a firm believer in brutally honest communication, and I fear that in my excitement of participating in this wonderful blog over the past 36 hours that I have posted too many comments.

    If I have offended anyone (especially Dave), please accept my sincere apology. From here forward, I will do my best to exercise appropriate restraint.

    Thanks for reading this.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hear Jack Russell Terriers can be a real handful!! They are like constantly caffeinated! Maybe I’ll get two of those. That will keep me away from the keyboard. (Or I should work on The Proust Questionnaire, which I find quite impressive). Thanks for your kindness and patience Dave.


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