Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

I ask him what this extraordinarily beautiful and harsh landscape reveals about his political character. “Well, I’m not a man of means,” he said. “We pay for things as we go. We are compelled to work, to do things with our hands. That gives you a different appreciation of life. Things have a bigger meaning.” Bowers said that his core values were instilled in him as a child growing up within a conservative Republican tradition. He is the father of seven children, one of whom, Kacey, died last year. “Family, faith, community – these are values at a very core level. You don’t survive out here, on land like this, alone.”

— Ed Pilkington, from “Rusty Bowers, Ousted Republican reflects on Trump, democracy and America: ‘The place has lost its mind’ (The Guardian, August 21, 2022)

Portrait: Yahoo News of Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers is sworn in during the fourth hearing by the House Select Committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the US Capitol on June 21, 2022.

10 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

    1. Time works tirelessly to erase facts—this country works tirelessly—but facts have a way of popping up, their buoyant truth shining all the more brightly with time.

      Ann Patchett, in “These Precious Days: Essays” (Harper, November 23, 2021)

      Liked by 2 people

  1. So sad…. I guess the statement he made about being willing to vote for Trump again after this initial conflict was missed by everyone. Those who heard him say that at the time were aghast…like, WHAT!? [during the January 6 Committee Hearings]


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