Walking @ Daybreak. 365 days, in 7 1/2 minutes.

I took up photography as a hobby on May 5, 2020 as a reason to get out of the house during COVID.  I was first inspired by a Canada Goose nesting along the roadside, and waiting for her younguns to hatch each time I passed in the mornings.

The morning routine started with short runs, with an iPhone in hand.

That migrated to long walks with a Canon Powershot in a fanny pack.

And then the runs, and the walks gave way to a car ride to the Park with a backpack filled with my gear.

This montage includes one photo at daybreak (or close to it) each morning.

365 consecutive mornings, like in a row.

16 years we’ve lived in this house, in this neighborhood, in this area, and I had no idea that such beauty was just outside my door.

So, here’s my show. 7 1/2 minutes of a photo a day for a year.

And here’s to all of you, cheering me on every morning.




70 thoughts on “Walking @ Daybreak. 365 days, in 7 1/2 minutes.

  1. Lovely montage. It captures lights, moods, weather, seasons, beauty. The whole magilah! You have found your next chapter’s passion.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. O.M.G. Dave, you got that show on the road – and how well you did. All those moods, those atmospheric light shows, the birds, trees, houses and always the water – a heartbreaking beauty and some incredible stories of one year in your life. And all this ‘thanks’ to a pandemic… Thanks so much for this pressie – my eyes are still hurting from the impact of all this stunning nature show-off. (whats that with the little Banksy cameo?)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m gonna stick my neck out with this one, but:
    Wasn’t that year a terrific learning curve in so many ways? All of them unexpected, unwanted, and yet so wonderfully changing the perception of your ‘daily life’?
    I know it did for us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for curating and posting these pictures. It was beautiful to watch and perceive the changes over the year in all the minute details, the light, the sand, the clouds, the birds, the people, the benches, the man behind the camera, and The Purpose! This is a great step towards Your Book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So kind. It was a wonderful experience. As to the book, I’m still trying to figure out this youtube / video creation stuff. Wow complexity! Thank you Steve. Appreciate the encouragement very much!


  5. Ahhh, pal, the magical mutability of this seasonal soliloquy is truly breathtaking. Isn’t it incredible the treasures that rest right outside our door, if only we take the time to notice?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your eye for a photo and skills with the camera have grown remarkably over the past year. Soon to match your skill as a storyteller. Nice job.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. What a marvellous feat this was, David. I watched this in a meditative state. Truly beautiful. Thanks for sharing your daily walks with us. Keep on trekking! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Well, I have certainly enjoyed all of the pictures you have taken and all of the other articles and pictures that you post. It is amazing how when we stop to admire the beauty around us, the animals and the plants, the oceans and mountains, the sun and the moon, etc….we see life a little bit differently with a sense of serenity and purpose. Thank you again for all the inspiration and for sharing life’s beauty with us.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Jenny. So agree with everything that you have said. If only when “we stop to admire the beauty around us” that we see how luck we really are. Hope you and the family are doing well.


  9. David,
    You have outdone yourself, my friend. What a brilliant idea to create a montage like this. One image per day (damn, why didn’t I think of that?)
    Your pictures have been beautiful since Day 1. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.

    Liked by 1 person

        1. Laughing. Awesome question. If you only knew what this video took. I had to select a single image from my daily Google Albums. Then certain images were in the wrong format so they had to be converted. Then I had to re-title each image from 1 to 365 to ensure that they were in order. This was all a 3 hour effort all before video creation. Then #1 Son Eric assisted me with Video Creation (assist = do most of it). That took 3 hours. I have a lot to learn about video creation (and Adobe Premier Cut Pro). This is complex business!

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          1. Sawsan and I were talking about how much time it must have taken you to choose one per day out of your tens of thousands of photos…
            And something told me there might have been an assist from Eric…

            Liked by 1 person

          1. Sawsan said that… I said he can use classical music… And yes, you are right, royalty-free only music. Though I wonder at the bazillion videos out there where people put images to songs. I guess they got the okay or they gave the credit.

            Liked by 1 person

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