Go Brené

Source: Brené Brown from her book “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead” (via weltenwellen). Portrait via Isak

22 thoughts on “Go Brené

  1. I’m with Karen. Spent years trying to be perfect…the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect wife, the perfect friend. It’s exhausting and stultifying and never led to greater happiness. In recent years, have worked hard to lay down that burden. Not an easy go, to be sure. Those ruts are well worn. But when I can relinquish my grip? So. Much. Happier. And I love Brene. She’s badass…

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  2. Perfection seemed like too far a reach for me – my shortcomings are longer than I am tall. That said, Brene’s book was great and she’s definitely onto something when she speaks of the human experience..

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  3. I love Brené. She is brilliant and wise. Perfection is demanded by those who cannot achieve it.
    Did you know that those who bite their nails are often perfectionists? Kind of an oxymoron as those chewed off nails make a hand look far from perfect.

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        1. OMG, I never heard of that person before and now I see that – apart from me obviously – everybody has something positive to say about her…. and then YOU come and throw that spanner in the works. That article is highly interesting and even more so disturbing 😉 Is there anything at all you guys can’t or haven’t touched yet and know talking about?! Just asking! 🙂

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