“Our Lily”, “Arum Lily” and “Lily, Derailed”….

Saboyemichele: with “Our Lily” and “Arum Lily”. “The images above appeared in Lilliput Pocket Omnibus 1937/38 which was a humorous publication produced by Stefan Lorant, a photojournalist, author, and filmmaker. The magazine was known for Lorant’s juxtapositions of images for political or aesthetic effects. The left photo of the dancer was taken by Dr. Krohn from Praha (Prague). The photo on the right was taken by Felix Man. The synergy between these two pictures is visually stunning!

In search of DK’s Lily:

  • 1 hour searching on web to determine what type of lily the Arum Lily was.
  • 1 hour of searching through local garden shops after identifying lily type. (Full Disclosure: Co-Pilot Susan owned this.)
  • $10.50 worth of Calla Lilies.
  • 1.5 hours of photographing bought lilies over 2 days (and trying to get them to stand upright while taking shot. 100+ Lily shots.)
  • 5 minutes to set up this blog post, and 3 seconds to realize that I had misidentified the Lily species. (What type of lily is Arum Lily?)
  • The Lily Journey: Priceless.


53 thoughts on ““Our Lily”, “Arum Lily” and “Lily, Derailed”….

  1. so incredibly lovely, what an amazing piece of work.

    and your research as well. even though your species naming was a false start, your shot was lovely. I’m a huge fan of calla lilies. and I don’t know the answer to what you seek in the flower world –

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for reminding me
    to get in touch with her.
    She’s beautiful. I need her
    this morning.
    Georgia O’keef, Just a wild guess. You and your good mind and references. I could be wrong. If I’m wrong this is good. It means the sun will come up.
    I’m trying to keep track of what’s happening. Only to me, Me in relationship
    with my hungry cat. and the dark arts. don’t tell me I have to tell you what that means but If i do…more power to you, my dear.
    I need you…for a day. one step at a time, I might live another day. If the doctors ignore my work. My paintings and drawings. And stop comparing me to mad women
    from Canada….and tell me to stop writing.
    Old news, my dear, I need a vacation from this… news. Poetry used to be news that stays news. Now it’s old news. Old hags and crones. SHHHHH watch the name
    I can code with the best of them.
    My other love is a techie on Pinterest.
    I’m teaching myself
    how to use twitter.
    It’s easy
    if I just listen to the cues.

    shhhhhshhhhhhhdon’t tell anyonem=, but secretly pass the word.
    If I am silent.
    I’m either dead. or hispitalized with no computer. Anything can happen
    the sun did I rise…for you
    I’s on its way here

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The sun rises at 5:06 my time.
    I should be back in bed.
    I got meds, duh… I just try NOT to use people
    or drugs.
    It’s my imagination that scares people. I have strong evidence for that hypothesis.
    don’t fuck with me god.
    Don’t fuckin fuck with me.
    My senses are sharp as nails.
    they can kill people.
    I don’t need old news.
    do you hear me?
    I went to college.
    I went to “university”
    My one and only daughter,
    named Arden,
    is in London
    escaping the virus
    and the city.
    just got her doctorate,
    In Philosophy. I read the Indigo Girls
    old bitches.
    Love them.
    She is with an indian man. Of course. they’re young, they’re smart fucking beautiful.
    I better stop. I will stop
    I am no god. My daughter is brilliant. Think tank. 80K her job. look it up
    she’s fine. Oxford home base. I just want her safe. Look her up too.
    she’s so fucking beautiful.
    Please please, I am not scary. But I’m learning new forms
    of social media…and tech…thanks to high security forces.

    it’s just a trip down memory lane.
    DOn’t share this with your followers.
    they’ll know I’m mad.
    I’ve been compared to lots of famous people.
    I’ll take their names. and a support letter
    but shhhhh shhhhh shhhhh
    I got the note about Dylan. DUH……………
    not born yesterday. just sad sad lisa lisa
    fucking Pandora old songs. old llike me
    enough! to work! to work! I have a schedue.
    Housework. Help me get through the day. Please.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This is so beautiful. I love Lilies. And in at least 3 languages, Susan or Suzanne, is the Lily flower.
    The reason I know is because my little sister’s name is Suzanne. And we researched it a long time ago. We just never understood why dad would gave us two names that almost sound the same.

    Susan is your Lily. One only hits the jackpot once in a lifetime!

    Liked by 7 people

    1. Sawsan, you’re right about the Susan-Lily link. And so well ‘documented’ too….. He (Dave) has more than one arrow in his quiver and I like these ‘sideways’ he’s taking in those past days….. But go on, tease him – he needs to be kept on his toes (to shoot all those arrows) 😉 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Amazing!! … the Lily Journey!! … “The images above appeared in Lilliput Pocket Omnibus 1937/38 which was a humorous publication produced by Stefan Lorant, a photojournalist, author, and filmmaker. The magazine was known for Lorant’s juxtapositions of images for political or aesthetic effects. The left photo of the dancer was taken by Dr. Krohn from Praha (Prague). The photo on the right was taken by Felix Man. The synergy between these two pictures is visually stunning!”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. First off, wow – that dancer image is insane next to the Arum Lily.
    I love this share – going down the rabbit hole that is the internet searching for something then going out and purchasing something (similar 😉 ) and then… oh my goodness, David. Your photo is stunning!
    I am really loving this side of you…

    Liked by 3 people

      1. NOTE TO YOU – nothing to do with the old side, which I still love, of you (as my ever-expanding bookshelf attests to). Letting you know that this NEW side of you is rather lovely, AS WELL.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Are you kidding me? Like you can even swing your leg like that? Coz I can assure you that I sure as hell can’t!! Killing myself laughing here…

            Liked by 1 person

  7. David, it took a moment or two for my eyes to adjust. At first I thought the image of the left was an ‘aging’ of the image to its right! What a surprise. Some folk are just so creative.
    And yes; your production and image are priceless.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love this post! The calla lily is one of my favourite flowers; your photo is stunning. And like so many in the comments I’ve read above, it took me a moment to realize the two photos were not both flowers 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A fun post with more to it than one wd think at first. But that’s exactly my life nowadays. EVERY TINY LITTLE THING can be researched at will, within seconds – the net giving you thousands of possible links to search further…. it never ends.
    And one day hopefully soon I can also respond to Sawsan’s comment, sadly, on the iPad I get again and again a non-valid connection…..

    Liked by 2 people

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