Memorial Day 2020

The New York Times Front Page (May 24, 2020): “An Incalculable Loss.” America is fast approaching a grim milestone in the coronavirus outbreak — each figure here represents one of the nearly 100,000 lives lost so far. But a count reveals only so much. Memories, gathered from obituaries across the country, help us to reckon with what was lost.

One hundred thousand.

A number is an imperfect measure when applied to the human condition. A number provides an answer to how many, but it can never convey the individual arcs of life, the 100,000 ways of greeting the morning and saying goodnight…to share that closing prayer, that parting glass, that final hug.

One. Hundred. Thousand.

Don’t miss this story


35 thoughts on “Memorial Day 2020

  1. I pause to catch my breath at the numbers now gone.

    ‘Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become acutely aware of all I’ve taken for granted.’ Anne Carson

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I forgot to breathe, reading this. No, the breath got knocked out of me…. And then the listing of names and the few words to describe each person. An amazing and sobering article.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I suppose the time has come when each one of us needs to take responsibility of how we would like to engage with a reality that is hurtling towards us. A reality which none of us would escape.

    Shakti Ghosal

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  4. the words to go with each person speak to their humanity, not just a name. it would take 10 pages to illustrate the number of those lost to this. i am humbled and will not forget them.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is so touching, so touching… I hope wish pray as soon as people find solution of coronavirus. Thank you dear David, Stay in safe, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    There are no words … “A number is an imperfect measure when applied to the human condition. A number provides an answer to how many, but it can never convey the individual arcs of life, the 100,000 ways of greeting the morning and saying goodnight … to share that closing prayer, that parting glass, that final hug.
    One. Hundred. Thousand.“


  7. A positve caring and honoring so many gone…by all of us coming together to appreciate “lives”! Am thinking that usually many are dying of debilitating illness and old age, and we usually don’t think personally about them, but now we’re given another opportunity to honor life as precious.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The sound of my heart breaking is drowned in the tears falling upon One. Hundred. Thousand.

    And for each One. Hundred. Thousand. One. Hundred. Thousand. x Many must learn to live with the weight of their deep grief as they struggle in solitude to mourn the loss of the one they lost.

    I am bereft. So much loss. So much sorrow. And I am angry. How did this happen? And I am afraid. How many more deaths to come in the US? When will the numbers stop rising?

    To you David and to all your country, I send my prayers. For Grace. Comfort. Miracles.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I been saying I don’t mind dyin’ , just don’t let me get sick. I’m a real baby when I get sick, and I hear this one really hurts.

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          1. I have a friend that took it another step further. She has had RA for many years, and all sorts of health issues. She ends up in the hospital several times a year. She was in 3 weeks ago and had to spend a few days quarantined in the COVID ward. Luckily she did not have the COVID.
            She told me in her typical good natured fashion “I’m not afraid of getting sick, I’ve been sick my whole life. I’m just afraid I’ll never get better”
            Brings it all full circle.
            Here is a link to her story about the days she spent in the COVID ward.

            Liked by 1 person

  9. “…it has denied us the grace of being present for loved one’s last moments.”

    I have been moved, scared, overwhelmed — and today, touched to the core of my heart. This article is very powerful. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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