Driving I-95 N. With Words.

Friday night. Long week.

Commute home, I-95 N. Traffic snarled heading South – – my lanes, are dry and flowing. A quick, 22-minute ride home.

Hand reaches for Sirius Radio, and I rotate the dial past MSNBC News, 7 on 70’s, Fox Business and NPR.

I switch it off.

Low throbbing head ache, all of me yearning to keep noise level down.

Yet the mindless chatter upstairs won’t stop. Replaying todays’ events.

6am. Floor is empty. Desktop PC with two screens on my right are buzzing. Laptop on my left, on the side arm, is set to WordPress, the notifications tab open. “Comments” and “Likes” flash up intermittently, pulling me away from my emails.

Mimi’s schooling me (again) with her vocabulary. This time “doppelgänger.” Sorry, I didn’t have a clue. Had to google it.

Then she comes back with another: “palliative.” Had to google that too.

And then a few minutes later, here comes Kiki, from Switzerland. Neutral means nice, I thought, but Swiss German’s have no use for mediocrity or ignorance. And this one speaks 5  languages. Kiki comes in with her haymaker in a reply to Mimi’s comment: “I see that our dear friend didn’t know palliative, I really wondered…. Made me sad in a way I can’t explain.”

Sawsan is out there somewhere, floating around, not yet tweaked enough to get into the fray, but coiled and ready to strike if provoked.  This here, this show, he’s a 50+ year old Man-Child.

Lori. Professional Writer. Cringing at the typos, the misplaced commas and apostrophes, the dangling participle-things, the thin, repeating vocabulary – hits the “Like” button.  I have to give him a Courtesy-Like but please, I won’t drop down to this level and comment.

Raye.  Handle: “Jots from a Small Apt.” Artist. Poet. Witty. Looks around and says: “Nope. Won’t touch this one.”

Anneli. Her WP Blog Handle: “Words From Anneli.”  Looks at all this in Wonder. How did he even get this far?

Then I get home, sitting at the dinner table.  Susan: “aren’t you getting tired of posting pictures of puppies, babies, and other people’s words?”

My Response?

I have no Words!


Notes: Gif via nini-poppins.

64 thoughts on “Driving I-95 N. With Words.

  1. This will need another cup of coffee and I’ll be back to give it to you!

    In the meantime, if I may add something to, ““aren’t you getting tired of posting pictures of puppies, babies, and other people’s words?”

    …and Redheads???????

    Liked by 3 people

          1. Sawsan, I still think it is his subconscious memory of the “Little Red Headed girl” from “The Peanuts” cartoon specials & comic strip…

            Liked by 1 person

      1. Ok, let’s get down to serious business! I reviewed your posts for the week, with all comments.

        1. I’m a mini leader. Not as big in the leadership world as you are. It’s impossible to skip over your leadership style even though we never worked together and it’s highly unlikely that our professional paths would cross. Your ultimate strengths, in my humble opinion, are your sarcasm, vulnerability, and integrity. And what makes you stand out is that you want the best and you want more. Because there is no other way.
        2. When I once said your blog is fertile land for inspiration, just the way it is, I mean like a landmine for inspiration. I say landmine because it’s loaded. Like a landmine it’s premeditated and well planned and executed.
        3. Even when you have no words to share, You have all the words.

        I’m glad our Mimi added ‘Palliative’ to you word collection. It’s a special word.

        Liked by 5 people

  2. Sniff, sniff… I knew I was gonna pay for stealing, I mean borrowing, your style… I didn’t even make the cut…

    And Susan, just an FYI, we do really appreciate the sharing of the other people’s words as much as the personal “driving, flying, walking” posts because DK introduces us to writers and poets (right, poets ARE writers, but you know what I mean).

    You learn new words, we learn new words… It’s a beautiful thing.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m all with Sawsan…. oh boy, you REALLY had a harsh day, poor man-child! All these women getting after you, instead of stroking your ego – but rest assured, it’s just because we love you (just the way you are!). ((My dad would now say: …. but don’t stay that way! – Which is NOT what I was thinking, you’re alrighty the way you are, apart from all those babies, pets’ and other photos!) 😉
    Am still beaten, but did 5 washings, had two house visits, HH is sawing a fallen tree in the garden, and now I MUST, in between ironing, hanging more washing and cooking, talk to my sis-in-law who is in a major crisis with my darling brother…. Heck, what a Saturday!


  4. Haha! Dale, I didn’t make the cut — or perhaps it is that I was cut!

    Sigh. Can’t win with Beaumont my Sheepadoodle. Can’t win with David’s list. 🙂

    Though… I was surprised at palliative on your non-known words list – it is as Sawsan says, a special word. As to Doppelganger – Having throughout my life been mistaken for Liza Minnelli (I once had to sign the program at a play in New York because the woman at the box office insisted I was LM – it was the only way I could get her to stop insisting I wasn’t me) Doppelganger is a word I know well! 🙂

    Regardless of making or being cut from a list, your posts are always inspiring — yours and others. Glad you made it to Saturday morning. Glad there’s laughter, ribbing and good reviews on your plate!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I feel your pain, Louise…
      And how funny… I was once told I was Liza Minnelli’s Doppelganger – and honestly… Um. nkay… I don’t see it.
      I, too, was rather surprised Mr. DK did not know palliative but yanno… I think it was more in the way it was used, to give him a chance here.

      We know, we know… we were not cut. You can find us hanging out with Beth next time you need us, k?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Liza Minnelli! I can see that! As to chances, I need many, very many.

        Laughing, YOU WERE NOT CUT. YOU WERE WAY ABOVE THE CUT. I felt that given your huge popularity, you didn’t want a further expansion of your already large fan base.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Really? Hmmm… Alrighty then. Who am I to argue?
          And we will always give you chances as you do us.
          And laugh away. Way above the cut, eh? Wow… I think you are far too generous!
          My huge popularity? Golly, David… you trying to make me blush?


      1. Sadly was quite serious …we almost lost her a week ago Friday. She is a Cavalier and as such has developed the mitral valve problems that plague the breed. But she is tough and our vet is wonderful and with a new medical regimen on-board, we anticipate having our sweet girl with us for several more years….

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Thx DK. Won’t lie, it scared the bejesus out of me. Came on quite suddenly. But the meds are remarkable and she is feeling much better, so I am cautiously optimistic. She is my heart, and I am not ready to say goodbye…not by a long shot…

            Liked by 1 person

  5. Ok, I have typed myself into a world of good friends, either bloggers or face to face friends because everything reads like an inside joke. I enjoy banter and because it carries some caring with it, or should anyway. Sounds like you are a, “word” person and work around others from other countries maybe. I am just writing to show I did read all the words on your post and did enjoy it or would not be commenting. I don’t do crafts, or take pictures, or cook new stuff, or am young anymore so I usually stay with those who match my comfort zone. But your style of writing just kept me reading, hey I might fit in you group, probably too old. all the above to say, ,thank you for a good read. by that I mean, a read that made me think outside myself and challenged me to what I am not sure yet. Blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I stopped at the photo…I thought that perhaps you’d witnessed something that shook, you…and that you were taking a different stance and departing from your “Regular Wonder”…I looked at the photo gif noticed the logos in lower right corner, thought of being aware in our daily travels that perhaps it was part of a Public Service announcement as the lady writing “Help” was a possible victim of human trafficking Since January 2020 is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month…yes, she is in a Town car and dressed and groomed well, doesn’t mean she couldn’t be a Victim of the above issue or of Domestic Violence…yes, impression of images run along a spectrum…///then I read the words and my curiosity takes over, it takes you 22 minutes to get home when on your drive in on Tuesday early in the am cruising at 74 minutes it takes 55 minutes? btw I like the description of your command center desk…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. who knew your posting would cause a such a butterfly effect in blog world? p.s. my doppelgänger has been Barbra Streisand off and on throughout my life, now if I only had her voice….

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Oy, the guilt…😉. You, the man of letters, the friend with the most fertile and frenetic mind I know – felled by doppelgänger and palliative? Nope, not buying it. Puppies and poetry are terrific – and we all love those posts – but the ones we return to, the ones that resonate and echo in our minds? Your words, pal – one, two, three syllables or more

    Liked by 1 person

  9. As long as everybody is taking shots I just want to say I’m still waiting for you to contact that fellow that said he knew you, but you couldn’t place. Call him David! I know you are a busy man but give him a ring!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ve been considering this since June…and I’ve looked at the wig collection at the Cancer doctors have my eye on a dark red curly one that falls just below the shoulders, if I ever have to do IV chemo. I have some upcoming procedures to make sure that I don’t have a second primary cancer.

    Liked by 1 person

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