Saturday Morning (Post Thanksgiving)

I try to make all the big

of me small, small, small.

~ Elizabeth Acevedo, from “The Shit & the Fan” in The Poet X 

Photo: The List – What really happens to your body after Thanksgiving dinner?

34 thoughts on “Saturday Morning (Post Thanksgiving)

  1. Yesterday, the cars never un-thawed from the ice…can still see snow up on the butte (at the top which is an open area) snow no longer hanging on trees…we walked yesterday along the creek, the sun was shining bright though the sun never merged with some areas of the path so the ground in those areas was frozen hard and some slick areas too. The dear hubby said the survivors lived through Thanksgiving, I thought for a moment and then he said just look at them, a group of turkeys eating windfall apples under an abandoned tree…our temps paralleling western North Dakota’s temps…we rarely get snow or icky cold…it is 27…overcast & foggy no sun shinning here today and I am thankful and content to be cozy at home for the past several day (turned out to just be the 2 of us this year)…and many homeless folks are staying in the emergency warming shelters… hoping to not get a mini ice storm…& that the snow due to fall north of us stays north!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Christie, commented but seem to have lost it (as I do from time to time – it must be my age) – was saying that THIS your beautiful tale is a special and highly welcome Thanksgiving Story all on its own. Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That photo KILLED me – so, so, so good! That’s how I feel most of the time – and we haven’t had a Thanksgiving Dinner, as the French (nor the Swiss) celebrate in that elaborate fashion.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. come on, friend! we’ve GOT to have a laugh – at least once a day – life IS beautiful…. but Thanksgiving Dinner is only once a year! 😉


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