

  • Photograph: San Diego Zoo. Dromedary: 7 to 11 feet long; 6 to 6.6 feet tall at the shoulder; weights 880 to 1,320 pounds when grown. Gestation of 12 to 14 months. A newborn camel is able to walk beside the mother within half an hour.  Camel calves nurse for 10 to 18 months. Reach full adult size at age seven. Median life expectancy is 17.8 years.
  • Background on Caleb/Wednesday/Hump Day Posts and Geico’s original commercial: Let’s Hit it Again

23 thoughts on “Guess.What.Day.It.Is?

        1. And your experience so reminded me of this passage from Beth’s blog – replace “horse” with “cow”:

          Sometimes it seems God could be
          the eye of a horse that holds
          a darkened lake, some boat of light
          upon wind swept grain. And here
          among the opened white scroll
          of clouds trapped inside a water trough
          lies a baptism without some doctrine.”

          Greg Sellers, opening lines to “Faith Found in a Pasture,” The Journal of Wild Culture (3 November 2017)

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  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    CALEB … I missed you so!! … ‘Dromedary: 7 to 11 feet long; 6 to 6.6 feet tall at the shoulder; weights 880 to 1,320 pounds when grown. Gestation of 12 to 14 months. A newborn camel is able to walk beside the mother within half an hour. Camel calves nurse for 10 to 18 months. Reach full adult size at age seven. Median life expectancy is 17.8 years.’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They are so-o precious! I’ll bet that mama just needs a moment (to rest) but she’s totally attentive.
    Did anyone see the recent PBS showing of Lawrence of Arabia (restored version)? Beautiful camels (and many horses) doing their thing.

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