Miracle. All of it.

It is, after all, not necessary to fly right into the middle of the sun,

but it is necessary to crawl to a clean little spot on earth where the sun sometimes shines

and one can warm oneself a little.

~ Franz Kafka, from Letter to His Father


34 thoughts on “Miracle. All of it.

  1. The words of Franz Kafka take be back to just yesterday…my boy cat an orange tiger stripe sleeping in the sun on the garden bench, when the sun no longer graces that spot he moves to the outside serving shelf at the kitchen window which faces due west, he always loves to catch the last rays of warmth…the pretty girl tortoiseshell calico also had her sun loving spots yesterday in the garden…for me I seek sun, I settle on a spot where it hugs me and warms my soul…and today the fog is laid in, it is cold, and misty… I think of how 99.99 percent of the rest of the state is basking in the sun…it is 74 in my sister’s city…

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    1. I can see and “feel” this: “my boy cat an orange tiger stripe sleeping in the sun on the garden bench, when the sun no longer graces that spot he moves to the outside serving shelf at the kitchen window which faces due west, he always loves to catch the last rays of warmth”

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  2. Ha, now that he the weather guru is home the fog has lifted, now we can spend some time outdoors…he called several times today asking if it is still fogged in at home, I say yup, he say still gloom-ville out here too…now it is 61. The sun and the light so appreciated…

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        1. No, I have two siblings in Vancouver, one sib in PDX and another in Beaverton.. another family member in the Pearl. Grew up in a beautiful part of P-town…I moved away when I transferred to a different university…meet an older sweet & handsome North Dakota man and the rest is history for me…Brooks, Keizer, and the Valley is so pretty…hope you get to go to the beautiful coast often! I love you amazing water colors!!

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  3. I think this is so necessary for all of us right now; just a little spot where we can go to warm ourselves for just a little while.
    This is so perfect for me to have seen today. If you don’t mind, I’ve taken a screen shot of the entire post page that includes your name at top to post on my Facebook page.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lovely photo with the nearly surreal scarlet orb and the excerpt of Franz.
    This made me think of Icarus flying way too boldly and then I remembered Hestia, goddess of home, hearth, family. She’s perfect for the second part. Where you find these is beyond me David! But keep them rolling 🙂 thanks

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