Like the white puff


I contacted a well-known artist to discuss the possibility of drawing lessons. As a child, I used to draw all the time. It absorbed me completely. At some point, writing replaced drawing and what had once been second nature (drawing) became foreign. But the urge to draw had remained. I missed its simple and primordial pleasures…

When she asked me why I wanted her to teach me drawing, I replied, “Sometimes you just want to sit back and be led.”…The artist peered at me thoughtfully for a moment. Her blue eyes were clear and perfectly lined with kohl. Finally she spoke, with the hint of bemusement. She said the students who came to her were always full of hunger. They were seventeen-year old aspiring artists and eighty-five-year-old retired businessmen. People of mourned, mislaid, or unmined creativity. Their yearning was like the white puff of a dandelion. All she had to was blow gently and watch their creative spores lift, scatter, and take seed.

~ Kyo Maclear, Birds Art Life: A Year of Observation 


26 thoughts on “Like the white puff

  1. This is such a wonderful quote. It came at just the right moment when I have started to take up a brush to paint. I loved to paint when I was younger and somewhere along the path of life it was put aside. Now I’m trying to bring the creativity from that younger me back.

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  2. Fascinating what a bit of hellucinatory colour can bring from technology, never before to be seen! I remember as a child we would call the balls of fluff fairy hair, and blow to tell the time …we always made it 5 o’clock because the clouds were passing over the sun which meant to say that my friend and I had to say goodbye for the day! Lovely inspirational thought here Kyo! thank’s for the fun!

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