Light child, lightly (2)


I heard a bird congratulating itself
all day for being a jay.
Nobody cared. But it was glad
all over again, and said so, again

~ William Stafford, “News Every Day” from Passwords



  • Poem: Thank you Karl @ Mindfulbalance.
  • Photo: – Youssef Badawi – A bird seller getting close to the merchandise at al-Shaalan market in Damascus, Syria.
  • Post Title & Inspiration: Aldous Huxley: “It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them.”

25 thoughts on “Light child, lightly (2)

  1. My experiences with the Jay’s, who enchant my life: be it a Grey Jay who will land on your hand, stare you in the eyes, (so social & curious) while resting. If you pinch some food between your thumb and index finger, he’ll eat it…the Blue Scrub Jay, who visits my plump, ripe Sunflowers, in the fall, letting out his Battle Cry of Dominance, this is Mine and I will loudly, with Exuberant Joy Proclaim All Day Long…he will occasionally when not feasting on his bounty chase off other Jays and other birds, maintaining His Dominance while he fills his belly (you must imagine this goes on in all areas of the garden at the same time, they have staked their own section, so it is such a rock-us chorus…and the striking Steller’s Jay his black head crown of feathers set of by his vivid, iridescent, glimmering blue, his eyes so deep black they shine…I always marvel at how stunning the combination of atoms, causes such beauty…/// I am not familiar with the bird with the conical beak, in the photo from Syria. Any background on it?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This photo has probably been the most beautiful thing I’ve seen today.
    And, you know what?
    My next life time, and every future life time, I would like to come back as a bird. So done with this human thing.

    Thank you, for this week’s double dose of Lightly, I believe it’s badly and desperately needed by all.


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      1. I’ll be all over.
        But yes, Syria is very close to home land. My father’s family lived their in the late 70s, escaping the King of Jordan at the time.
        We visited when I was little and I loved it. Still engraved in my memory.

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  3. You might enjoy this song by America

    America’s “Old Man Took” (great lyrics heard a ‘blue jay call’ sure fits the ‘jay’ theme)
    such a pretty song, off of their “Hat Trick” album

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