Driving Uptown. With MAN from X.


DK:  Broadway and 49th please.
CD:  Times Square?
DK:  Yes. Please.

DK:  Your cab is so clean.
CD:  Thank you Sir.
DK:  How long have you been driving?
CD:  Nine months.

DK:  Where are you from?
CD:  X (A Caribbean Country)

DK:  Do you have family back at X?
CD:  Yes Sir.  My wife and 2-year old daughter.
CD:  I’m saving money to bring them over.
CD:  I do miss them. I’m hoping to see them at Christmas.

DK:  How many hours a day do you drive?
CD:  I start at 7:30 am and drive until 8 or 9pm.
DK:  Weekends?
CD:  I try to not to work on Sundays.

CD:  And then I study.
DK:  Study?
CD:  I want to become a Cop.
DK:  Cop?
CD:  Yes.
DK:  May I ask why?
CD:  Police, politicians – are thieves in X.
CD:  I would be proud to serve this city.
CD:  I think I would be a good cop.

DK:  Do you like it here?
CD:  Sir, it’s not easy. But I can find work. And I work.
CD:  Food is so expensive at X.  Even if it’s grown in X.
CD:  It would take me 2 years to buy this phone.
DK:  (He brushes the lint off his smartphone. It gleams on his dash.)
CD: This country is Good. Very good.

CD:  Sir, would you like me to pull upfront or is 48th ok?
DK:  48th is fine.

We arrive.  I swipe my credit card.  I add the tip.

DK:  Can I please have a receipt?
CD:  Sure.
DK:  Good luck with your studies.
CD:  Thank you very much.  It’s going well!

My hand reaches for the door handle.
I can’t bring myself to get out.
I reach back into my wallet and hand him a bill.

CD: Sir, you have already tipped me on the card.

I jump out of the cab.

He honks as he passes me.
His left arm stretches out his window offering me a thumbs up.
And he accelerates down Broadway to find his next fare.


36 thoughts on “Driving Uptown. With MAN from X.

  1. Dave, often we are busy with our smart phone instead of having a dialogue with another human being. You did the opposite. Smart man.

    We take this country for granted. The cabbie reminded how forunate we are. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This is a great piece, David. Here in Broward County, there is a huge battle going on between Uber and the taxi companies(y?). The “big, bad taxi company” is made up of individuals like the person you describe here, doing what they can to earn a living, often from some other place, wanting the American dream. I have to admit my thought was “here in America, too” (when I read his comment about corruption) and then felt chagrined for all I take for granted. I need a reminder to feel grateful now and then. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing of your encounter..He has a good heart, love of his family, pride, care, determination, the willingness to give to his new community and a good work ethic. He will go far. He will remember the dignity you extended to him..I am glad he takes Sunday off, to rest /// I have never ridden in a cab – I know, so commonplace for many..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dave, as a native New Yorker I want to say thank you. Just like the cabbie, you also evoke what is great about New York. When we’re inspired we move with compassion. Just like Frank sings: “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere. It’s up to you, New York, New York.”

    Liked by 1 person

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