The Yin: “I want to” and “I need to”. Now to the Yang.


What I want to say to you, my dear, is this: Just for today, live the passionate truth of who you are. Stop looking at what is undone, what you haven’t achieved, where you’ve fallen short. Look, instead, into your own full heart…Your own strong roots are in place – in your own body, in the earth, in the ongoing story of your life, just as it is. Put your faith in those roots, and allow yourself to go with the flow. Let go and breathe into the goodness that you already are. Move with the current, not against it. Resist nothing. Let life carry you. You have work to do. Begin it.

~ Katrina Kenison, Magical Journey: An Apprenticeship in Contentment

Quote: Thank you Make Believe Boutique. Photograph: mennyfox55.

43 thoughts on “The Yin: “I want to” and “I need to”. Now to the Yang.

  1. I understand this but I struggle with what to do with people who are malevolent towards me (in my whole life I have only had a few but mostly recent). Having reconciled with her, I fell into a false sense of security that everything was okay now but, she is silent (my sister-in-law). I have tried so many times and now I feel stupid to have tried. It’s best to just let her go….

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    1. Smiling. Read this passage too that made me pause and say yes:

      “I like swimming against the current, but only
      because it makes me feel I’ve earned the ease and pleasure of floating back to where I started.

      Jan Heller Levi, from “Conversation,” Once I Gazed at You in Wonder (Louisiana State University Press, 1999)

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  2. I agree with what Alan A. Malizia says:
    I was reflecting on that, just yesterday…
    “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. Matthew 6 :34 NIV

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