

Not exactly sure.

Source: Bizarbazar


40 thoughts on “Why?

  1. Makes me giggle! This image of Ruby Red, click click, click… takes me not to Kansas but to memories of my childhood…When I was a child, & ill for a few days, my Mom would heat the water and stir in a box of lime jello and add sugar . pour into a mug – we loved drinking warm lime jello. I liked my Jello, Plain none of those added nuts or fruit. Love the bright translucent, reflective jello colors. Last year, in March I attended a standing room only, “Jello Art & Variety Show “- such a Hoot! 🙂 It’s an annual event.. When I was in High School the cafeteria ladies would make lime jello (of course) but they would add lemon lime soda pop to it – I gladly bought it and enjoyed the Carb laddened Heaven, sometimes I’d have whipped cream added, just for the sweet, cool, creamy & smooth sensory pleasure…. For me only Jello Brand Gelatine would do, no supermarket house brand, no Royal Gelatine . Only Jello Brand Gelatine – such an American Icon …now I am thinking of “Shake a Pudding”, chocolate, yum..

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