Saturday Morning: You think you’ll never forget.

January 24, 2015, Connecticut

Our first major snowfall arrived overnight.

soon will the winter be on us, snow-hushed and heavy. (Sara Teasdale)

…suppose we did our work like the snow, quietly, quietly, leaving nothing out. (Wendell Berry)

…The country seems bigger, for you can see through the bare trees. There are times when the woods is absolutely still and quiet. The house holds warmth. A wet snow comes in the night and covers the ground and clings to the trees, making the whole world white. For a while in the morning the world is perfect and beautiful. You think you will never forget… (Wendell Berry)


35 thoughts on “Saturday Morning: You think you’ll never forget.

  1. I got up also around 5:00 this morning and looked out my window and saw exactly what you described. Here in Pittsburgh we are expecting two or three inches of snow. Be Encouraged ! Be Blessed!

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  2. Our snowfall has come throughout the day, transforming the world outside our windows into a winter wonderland. I watched the pups tear out across the yard, scooping their noses and kicking up their heels (so to speak), and I smiled. This is why I live in a land of four seasons, each carrying its special joy….beautiful photo, pal. Hope you’ve had a snuggly day…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your neighborhood is picturesque. When I was a girl I liked to watch a “Christmas in Connecticut” and “White Christmas” An older sister’s favorites. Such classics, even back then. The love of the outdoors natural beauty, architecture and interior design was and is somewhat satisfied when watching classic moves and I can think of a few more recent vintage of movies that fit that mold as well. Enjoy your day.

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