

Why, it might be asked, does literature have to have a business at all? Is it not sufficient that it give pleasure, convey information, widen experience, provide flashes of insight? One reads the world’s finest novels, plays, poems, and in time one becomes a more cultivated person, which means somehow more refined, subtler, deeper, possibly even—though this might be pushing it—better. You are what you read; and culture, like heredity and cheap paint, rubs off.

~ Joseph Epstein, A Literary Education and Other Essays. Axios Press.


Notes: Image Source – Distant Passion




15 thoughts on “Hmmmmmm

  1. Umm I don’t know what do we become after reading a book, a novel or a poem but I do know one thing and that is that we are never the same when we are done reading. He is so right… And I really like the picture.

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