Monday Mantra: Lead


Source: Gifak-net

57 thoughts on “Monday Mantra: Lead

  1. that puppy and i would try desperately to help that baby. once we stopped laughing. i had to watch it a few times hoping she would take off, like wishing for a different ending for romeo and juliet. i love this so much.


  2. Hi friend, Is your web address missing a ca or something? I type what shos on WP and it doesn’t go to you. The reason why I’m here is I love your blog so much I have nominated you for The Most Influential Blogger Award. This one you will love because it involves picking your favorite artist today and including a video. I’m having issues with the code for the Badge, will have to get back to you on that. So let the celebration begin!!!!! Go get you arward and start planning your big party!!!!!! You’re great. Warrior 🙂


    1. Thank you! My web address is And if this fails, try They should work. Thanks again for the nomination. I’m honored. I’ll look forward to seeing the video.


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