Driving. In a fog.


4:45 am.
Day 1 following end of extended vacation.
I hang over sink. Splash water on my face.
I step in shower. Ice Cold. Hurry out. Hug towel. Fail to rinse shampoo out of hair.
Shave. Razor cut over old scar. Blood dribbles. Minor cut. Unstoppable bleeding. Curse.
Dab dab dab hemorrhage with tissue. Jab and stick Kleenex to cut. Pleased that it sticks.
Stare at socks. Need navy to match suit. Trouble distinguishing navy from black.
First attempt with tie, hangs below belt. Second attempt, short at belly button. Victory on third.
Slide work shoes on. Wiggle toes. Foreign fit after two weeks off. Look down, scuffed.
Slide watch on. Date: December 16. Time: 10:00. Stare. Decision made to re-set later.
Step outside. Temperature 51º F. Temp yesterday: 23º F.
Fog. Soupy. Thick. Light rain drizzling. Eerie.
Early, yet traffic is heavy.
Pulse quickening.
Mind racing like pistons.
Back to work.

Related Posts: Driving Series

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28 thoughts on “Driving. In a fog.

  1. waking in a mist. glad you were able to fall back into your old pattern, with just a few mishaps along the way. isn’t it funny how quickly we adapt and slide into a relaxed mode, away from work and routine, and we have to retrain our body and our mind to begin it all again?


    1. Keith, thank you. Yes, easy for some reason to keep the watch off. More difficult to slow the mind down. Reminds me of a Virginia Woolf quote I came across written in August, 1899:

      Activity of mind, I think, is the only thing that keeps one’s life going, unless one has a larger emotional activity of some other kind. Ones mind thats like a restless steamer paddle urging the ship along, tho’ the wind is fallen & the sea is as still as glass.


      1. An amazing quote, and one for my collection! And it’s pretty obvious where much of your activity of mind came from during your vacation, thanks for sharing the quote …


  2. Great post David, can very much relate, though I don’t think I quite reached that last state of mind racing like pistons…you are a step ahead. Here’s to Tuesday.


    1. Wow, did not know that Lori. Thanks for sharing:

      “Reasons More People Are Depressed Jan. 6, 2014

      The most recent report revealed that most feel low because of lack of sleep and the struggle to keep up with their New Year’s resolutions. Guilty-ridden tweets are also five times higher as people go back to work and get to arrive in a lot of realizations. The report also showed that the female population seem to stay more positive throughout the entire first month of the year.”


  3. WLS…the visual of hair that needs rinsing, and a bloody tissue stuck to your cheek is a little disturbing, knowing that people at work will anticipate the arrival of a relaxed, well-rested, refreshed guy. At least your cheeks will be rosy from the cold today. And just for giggles why don’t you wear red socks – something that has absolutely nothing to do with the color of your suit? It will really make people wonder whether or not this vacation was a good idea for you.


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