What is a quote?


“What is a quote? A quote (cognate with quota) is a cut, a section, a slice of someone else’s orange. You suck the slice, toss the rind, skate away. Part of what you enjoy in a documentary technique is the sense of banditry. To loot someone else’s life or sentences and make off with a point of view.”

— Anne Carson, “Foam (Essay with Rhapsody)” (from Decreation)

(Sources: Quotes – leopoldgursky, via othernotebooksareavailable.  Image Credit)

22 thoughts on “What is a quote?

    1. True dat. Collecting and sharing quotes is one of my favorite pastimes, however, I was listening to Eckhart Tolle yesterday and when he said ‘don’t quote the Buddha, BE the Buddha’ it was like a getting hit with a 2×4 in the middle of the forehead. I think there is a time to quote and a time to be quoted…


  1. Does the larceny (I don’t buy that; a wordsmith or sage wants to quoted as much as an artist wants to be viewed) of others’ brilliancy excuse us from creating our own? I like the quote Todd shared (thanks, Todd); basically, talk is cheap. (Now who said that?)


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