Portrait of a Poet

Portrait of a Poet from Kendy on Vimeo.

Thank you Dad, thank you Mum, for my chaotic childhood
Cause my life is like the ascent of the mountain
And it’s true my feet hurt sometimes
But although the way is long and bruising
The road is beautiful
And the higher I get with courage and endurance
And the purer the air the more marvelous the view
I’m patiently climbing towards the summit
And the day that I’ll reach it
Maybe it will be the end
But if not yet
then I’ll sit
I’ll contemplate the view offered to me
And I’ll stay there silently
Quiet and calm
Appreciating the deep joy of living
Simply being
A part of this world
And feeling the world living within me

~ Mai Vallee

24 thoughts on “Portrait of a Poet

  1. Excellent post, Dave. I put up a reblog/PressThis post pointing my readers to it. Thank you for a new beginning or reset of my state of mind at noon.


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