Blog of the Year…

Blog of the Year Award 6 star jpeg

Thank you to my friends for nominating me for this award: Carolyn @ abcofspiritalk, Sandy @ Another Lovely Day, Cristi @ Simple.InterestingDogdaz, Ivon @ Teacher is Transformer, Joyat60Kalabalu, Kim @ Tranquil Dreams, Melody @ Donkey Whisperer Farm BlogMisifusa, Renee @ Rendezvous With Renee, SarahPotterWrites, Tarasai @ Writerfield and Iamforchange.  I’ve been procrastinating in “paying it forward”…for fear of leaving out and disappointing so many exceptional bloggers that I follow.  (Anxiety remains.)  Yet, Renee’s words (subtle that they are…sarcasm dripping) have been ringing in my head: “Just pay it forward, Dave.” So here we go…

My selections for 2012 Blog of The Year Awards are:

Thank you all for your inspiration. And thank you to all the bloggers and their blogs that I frequent daily that I have failed to mention.   The rules for “paying it forward” and nominating other blogs for 2012 Blog of the Year Award can be found at The Thought Palette.

cincinatti, ohio, weeds, autumn, color, pink

80 thoughts on “Blog of the Year…

  1. Woohoo!! Congratulations! I guess this means you will have to be reiterative, for I am nominating you as well. You’re a rock star (perhaps an aging one, but a rock star nonetheless). Thank you for including me as one who you consider when ‘paying it forward’. I appreciate it and kind of like the idea that for karmic and cosmic connections you thought of me. My post will come tomorrow.


          1. Very funny..;-) And really good of you to let me know last night – AFTER I had written the post-in-question. You put the “o’s” in ‘smoooooooooooth’.


          2. You know David- you really could switch it up and just acknowledge (and accept) that you and Lori are the reasons why I have kept blogging when I have wanted to stop; you could conceivably recognize that you have a magical impact upon those who have come to know you in cyber-land; you could come out from behind the curtain long enough to feel the warmth of all this sunlight that shines on you. You could…hmm…could you? I write this with a gentle, teasing tap – for whether or not you will do any of that, you’re still absolute aces in my book. And I’ll keep playing the foil – it’s a role I do well. 🙂


  2. CONGRATS David! A more deserving candidate I cannot fathom. :-). And as for my nomination and status as an honorary sister, there are no words…. I am humbled to be nominated and honored to be in the august company of so many folks whose work and words I admire. Thank you….


  3. Thank you David! very much. You’re definitely the best person I ‘ve met in this blog world…you’ve made my blogging much more fun! -if the sentence I wrote is understandable in English O.O- Happy holidays to you too, wish you all the best! x
    ps. You’re a great source of inspiration too!


    1. Ray, my sentiments are squarely aligned with you. And then guilt washes over me – that I haven’t passed it along. I totally get where you are. I appreciate you followership and friendship.


  4. Pay it forward, and backward, and left, and right, and right side up, and upside down, and close in, and way away over the grown, lest we forget play it most happily all around!

    Congratulations! May connected life continue to abound!


  5. How thoughtful are the ‘groups’ of blogs you’ve created and nominated – I’m intrigued; gotta check them all out.
    And to be nominated yourself by so many – congratulations Dave, and thank you! 🙂


  6. congratulations on this award Dave, and thanks so much for ‘paying it forward’ my way. not only are you constantly inspiring me through your own posts, you are also very generous. i am honoured to be in such company. thanks again, and lead on …


  7. Congratulations on receiving this award, which is so much deserved–you know how much I love your blog. And, wow, thank you for honouring me with this award, too, and saying something so sweet. I now have an adopted bro, yay 🙂 xox
    Of course, I accept the award and will post about it soon.


  8. CONGRATS, and thanks so very much for including me in such a listing and among such talent… Quite an honor. Yours continues to be one of my favorite to look forward to, each morning. 🙂


  9. David,

    Much thanks for the kindness.

    You’ve identified a remarkable community of writers. I’m already connected with many of them and look forward to reading the work of the new folks.

    Isn’t this a glorious thing? These connections, a web of caring and support.

    Thank you.



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