Repeat after me…

psychology, mental health, thoughts, thinking, happiness, think happy thoughts, peace, zen, still mind

Source: Music4luvv

42 thoughts on “Repeat after me…

      1. Laughing – yeah, for me that whole ‘think happy thoughts’ is a little like ‘whistle a happy tune’ – I’ve been trying to fake it til I make it for a long time now. And know what? Most days I think I’m getting there..


  1. After repeating for sometime, I’m thinking ‘ there is chocolate in the fridge, it needs to be finished’ . Its like chanting OM, suddenly there are no thoughts.


  2. I want to repeat some happy thoughts in my mind…but I believe there is a glitch in my mind that says: ‘Happy thought think while thoughts think like happy, and happy thinks like a thought.”

    I grasped your concept. Or, I could be wrong. 🙂 Brilliant. 🙂


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