Yup, about right.

food, meal, craving, I'm full, eating, food addiction, can't stop, funny, true, psychology


“Eating Season (Nov 5th to Jan 1): My Holiday Preemptive Diet Plan vs. Probable Reality”

resolutions, eat, diet, fitness, weight, weight loss, ilovecharts, chart, Thanksgiving, aspiration, reality, Exercise

Source: Louis C.K. – Thank You Mme. Scherzo. Diet Plan – Thank you John @ strategiclearner via ilovecharts

22 thoughts on “Yup, about right.

  1. Laughing…isn’t it perverse that ya don’t really feel like you’ve had your holiday meal unless you push away from the table feeling like you’re going to burst? I always think of that Monty Python skit about “one thin mint….”. 😉


  2. With unexpected soccer tournament…Thanksgiving eating will be spread over 4 days. There will be no dips or flatlines on my chart, just a rocket to the top.


  3. Funny! Oh, if only I would remember that once I’m full, the food doesn’t actually taste good anymore.. Never works.


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