I’m not fascinated by people who smile all the time..


“I’m not fascinated by people who smile all the time. What I find interesting is the way people look when they are lost in thought, when their face becomes angry or serious, when they bite their lip, the way they glance, the way they look down when they walk, when they are alone and smoking a cigarette, when they smirk, the way they half smile, the way they try and hold back tears, the way when their face says they want to say something but can’t, the way they look at someone they want or love… I love the way people look when they do these things. It’s… beautiful.”

~ Unknown




Quote Source: madamescherzo via katyjean.  Source: e-m-p-a-t-i-a via iamabrusselssprout

17 thoughts on “I’m not fascinated by people who smile all the time..

  1. I love this!! And it’s so true..though when I see someone smiling to himself/herself it usually evokes a smile in me…But the wonder is in the thoughtful face – that is revealing a small hint of what is going on inside.


  2. Plastic smiles accompanying hard or deceitful eyes. Aaagh, shudder. Such people are always after something from you, while having no intention of giving you anything in return — other than grief, of course.


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