Time Management (not)…


24 thoughts on “Time Management (not)…

  1. Agh, and to realize there’s absolutely zero Power there, and all Power in where we (and our true focus) are in the Now. Thanks for the reminder, and glad you liked my quote today.


      1. That’s sick…I just open one of his books Last Night (for the first time in a few years). And yes, it was The Power of Now. Right, no coincidences (and yes, that stuff was clearly on my mind).

        Not disciple, but def on the same wavelength! Peace – j.


  2. Oh, dear. That’s been me all winter.

    Today, I woke up and thought I’ll turn over a new leaf, this lovely Monday morning in Spring. Fine idea, until the constant ringing of the phone wrecked my creativity. I shouted very loudly in the end, ‘If I wanted to be a bloody secretary, I’d be one.’ Then I went out in the garden and thought about having a shed erected similar to the one Roald Dahl used to work in.


  3. These graphics and this definition of “tomorrow” have me chuckling and wagging my head and nodding in agreement all at once. You have given us an unforgettable visual image to kick us out of procrastination, David. Thank you!


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