Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Think of the many times you’ve been a refuge: welcoming each stray street cat and abandoned potted plant and dear friend saved from heartache. This body has been warm. It’s given past what hands can give. This body has played lighthouse and homemaker and firefighter. You, a healing breeze; your body, the sky that moves it. A place of rest, a song sent by spring, a flickering light, a wish the world made.

Schuyler Peck, “You Look Like Hell” (Game Over Books, June 6, 2023) (via Wait-What?)

28 thoughts on “Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

  1. You Look Like Hell is an arson charred, sultry-eyed, bump-in-the-night book of poems that allows you to revel in your villain curiosity”. If DK says so…..

    Liked by 2 people

      1. And there you have it. Sawsan invites Jr. and all we get is flame throwing, and degrading the wonderful 12 year track record of civility and intellectual curiosity fostered by this amazing virtual community. It only takes one to try to burn the house down. Shame. Finger twitching on the Block button.

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  2. You missed the “villain curiosity” connection to yesterday’s post. It’s ok, this is called Monday Morning Wake Up Call. You weren’t awake yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I mean, there are 8 comments. The math is in my favor that this group of extraordinary individuals made the connection. Minus you of course.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I see this as a positive acknowledgment of not only being the caretaker, and seeing how strong you really are., though everyone has their moments of feeling less than strong. caretakers also need to be cared for.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. What Beth said. We never know what small gesture (in our mind) might be a lifeline for another in the moment. And we pray that the kindness comes back someday, which in my experience it does…in spades. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

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