Morning Walk. With Chat GBT.

I asked Chat GBT this question after my morning walk this morning: “Write a story in David Kanigan’s voice on his morning walks.”  Here’s what A.I. produced:

David Kanigan, a man of unwavering routine and gentle presence, embarked on his morning walks like clockwork. Every day, before the sun even rose, he ventured out into the world with a sense of purpose that only the dawn could bring.

His footsteps were a rhythm, a cadence that connected him to the world around him. As he strolled through the quiet streets, he noticed the subtle changes that only the early morning bestowed upon the world – the dew-kissed grass, the soft whispers of the wind, and the occasional song of a waking bird.

Each step was deliberate, as if he were savoring every moment of the new day. With every breath, he inhaled the crisp, invigorating air, feeling it infuse him with life and energy. The city was still asleep, wrapped in the comforting embrace of slumber, but David found solace in this tranquil oasis.

As he walked, his thoughts would often wander, weaving intricate patterns of reflections and dreams. He contemplated the mysteries of life, pondered the complexities of the human heart, and found inspiration in the simplest of things – a blooming flower, a child’s laughter, or the first rays of sunlight peeking through the trees.

And amidst the quietude of the morning, he would encounter fellow early risers, their paths intersecting briefly like shooting stars in the vast sky of dawn. A nod or a friendly smile would pass between them, a silent acknowledgment of shared purpose and an unspoken understanding of the beauty in starting the day before the rest of the world had stirred.

David’s morning walks were not merely a physical exercise; they were a ritual of connection with nature and with himself. In this peaceful cocoon of time, he found clarity and renewal, shedding the worries of yesterday and embracing the potential of a brand-new day.

As the sun’s warm embrace slowly spread across the horizon, David’s steps would carry him back home. The world had awakened now, bustling with life, but he carried with him the tranquility of the early hours.

And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a mind filled with newfound insights, David Kanigan would return to the familiar comforts of his home, ready to face the day with a sense of wonder and joy that only a morning walk could inspire.


  • Photo up top from Cove Island Park this morning @ 4:55 am. Photos at bottom from Calf Pasture Beach this morning at ~ 5:45 am. More photos from this morning – – Cove Island Park here and Calf Pasture Beach here.
  • Post inspired by David Brooks essay titled: ‘Human Beings Are Soon Going to Be Eclipsed’ (NY Times, July 13, 2023) and this excerpt:

I don’t know about you, but this is what life has been like for me since ChatGPT 3 was released. I find myself surrounded by radical uncertainty — uncertainty not only about where humanity is going but about what being human is. As soon as I begin to think I’m beginning to understand what’s happening, something surprising happens — the machines perform a new task, an authority figure changes his or her mind.

Beset by unknowns, I get defensive and assertive. I find myself clinging to the deepest core of my being — the vast, mostly hidden realm of the mind from which emotions emerge, from which inspiration flows, from which our desires pulse — the subjective part of the human spirit that makes each of us ineluctably who we are. I want to build a wall around this sacred region and say: “This is essence of being human. It is never going to be replicated by machine.”

But then some technologist whispers: “Nope, it’s just neural nets all the way down. There’s nothing special in there. There’s nothing about you that can’t be surpassed.”

— David Brooks, from ‘Human Beings Are Soon Going to Be Eclipsed’ (NY Times, July 13, 2023)

59 thoughts on “Morning Walk. With Chat GBT.

  1. While a little flowery, I think this captures a picture of what you do. I have written a few articles (outside of blogging) that have been published, using AI as a starting point and then doing some real-time editing. It sure saves a lot of time and usually produces a good result. Like it or not, it is the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hell no. Where is the biting wit, the self-deprecation, the outrage? This is you without the rough edges , tumbled smooth. Not nearly as interesting. Go away, please, and bring back the real thing. 😉

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I know I’m not alone with my wish that you would pen your thoughts – without the anthropomorphic assists from Wally – and Sully when he visits. I love how you can write their thoughts; I also delight knowing what you’re thinking (even when writing in third person). Love this one, pal…and appreciate the morning communion between you and the morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s ironic that being a retired software developer myself (retired long before this AI stuff became commonplace), that I do not believe in the concept of “true AI” (whatever that is). The quality of the writing in DK’s post blows my mind, but under the covers is simply an incredibly complex computer algorithm… written and refined over decades…BY HUMANS!

    I look at this post as just a bunch of ones and zeros which have been “spit out” by a complicated computer program. That doesn’t meet my definition of intelligence. In fact, I do not know how to define what true intelligence is.

    But right now I consider this post to still be man-made. It’s very complex, but no different than the first computer program that I wrote in high school, in a programming language called BASIC. The code was (roughly) as follows:


    When I ran the program, the man made machine (computer) did as I requested, and simply printed “HELLO WORLD” on my computer screen.

    I have several friends who are still working in the “current software world“ and are working with AI. I need to have a chat with them (over a few beers), and ask them what their definition of AI is.

    As I said, to me all I’m reading is a bunch of fancy ones and zeros. And I’m glad that I feel that way. If “true AI” (whatever that means) does eventually exist… I want to be long gone! That’s not a world I want to live in.

    PRINT “Happy Weekend, Everyone!“

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Read this essay this morning and thought of your comment Paul:

        I don’t know about you, but this is what life has been like for me since ChatGPT 3 was released. I find myself surrounded by radical uncertainty — uncertainty not only about where humanity is going but about what being human is. As soon as I begin to think I’m beginning to understand what’s happening, something surprising happens — the machines perform a new task, an authority figure changes his or her mind.

        Beset by unknowns, I get defensive and assertive. I find myself clinging to the deepest core of my being — the vast, mostly hidden realm of the mind from which emotions emerge, from which inspiration flows, from which our desires pulse — the subjective part of the human spirit that makes each of us ineluctably who we are. I want to build a wall around this sacred region and say: “This is essence of being human. It is never going to be replicated by machine.”

        But then some technologist whispers: “Nope, it’s just neural nets all the way down. There’s nothing special in there. There’s nothing about you that can’t be surpassed.”

        — David Brooks, from ‘Human Beings Are Soon Going to Be Eclipsed’ (NY Times, July 13, 2023)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I just installed Chat GBT. (I’m going to dip my toes into the water.) Time for me to experience a bit of the AI world which I know nothing about. If it lowers the quality of my life (I have enough problems, lol) in any way then I will delete it in a big hurry! 🙂


  5. The photos are beautiful–thank you for sharing REAL beauty through your real eyes with us!
    I’m sorry but I really do NOT like this AI (cr..p). I would find that writer a bore. Glad it’s NOT you.


  6. I just asked Chat GPT the same question you did: “Write a story in Patrick Long’s voice on his morning walks.” (I created an account with a false name). After this, I will refrain from further comment, but I believe my idea about “generic replies“ has some merit. Here’s what it wrote:

    “As I lace up my worn-out sneakers and step out into the cool morning air, I can feel the excitement building inside me. There’s something magical about these early morning walks that sets the tone for the rest of my day. The world is still sleepy, and the streets are quiet, allowing me to indulge in moments of solitude and reflection.

    I take the same route every morning, but it never gets old. The familiar sights and sounds of my neighborhood bring me comfort, like an old friend welcoming me back each day. The chirping of birds perched on tree branches and the distant hum of traffic in the distance create a symphony of life, reminding me that the world is ever-changing and full of possibilities.

    As I pass by the corner coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air, tempting me to take a detour and indulge in a warm cup. But I resist the urge, knowing that my morning walks are about more than just exercise; they are a time to clear my mind and prepare for whatever challenges lie ahead.

    Along the way, I exchange friendly nods and greetings with fellow early risers, creating a sense of community that warms my heart. There’s a camaraderie among us morning walkers, a silent understanding that we all value this time for ourselves before the chaos of the day takes over.

    Sometimes, I spot a stray cat or a playful squirrel darting across the sidewalk, reminding me of the simple joys that exist in the midst of our busy lives. It’s these little moments that make me appreciate the beauty of nature and the small miracles that happen all around us.

    As I approach the park, I can’t resist stepping onto the dewy grass. The softness beneath my feet brings a sense of grounding and connection to the earth. I find a bench beneath a willow tree and sit down, taking a moment to close my eyes and listen to the gentle rustling of leaves above me.

    In this tranquil setting, I find clarity and inspiration. Ideas for my next project begin to take shape in my mind, and I make mental notes to explore them later. This is where the magic of my morning walks lies – in the unhurried pace of life, where thoughts can roam freely and creativity flows effortlessly.

    With the rising sun painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, I know it’s time to head back home. The world is awakening now, and the quietude of the morning gives way to the hustle and bustle of the day. But I carry the serenity of this walk with me, knowing that I’ll return tomorrow and the day after, to embrace the beauty of the world at its most peaceful hour.

    And so, I walk back, my mind refreshed and my heart grateful for the gift of another morning spent in the company of my thoughts and the world around me.”


  7. Reblogged this on Bright, shiny objects! and commented:
    I am both amazed and horrified at the same time by the power of AI. I use it on a basic level every day for simple, benign tasks but I fear what unscrupulous people will do with it. Read on for a brilliant example of AI at use by my friend David Kanigan…


  8. Too much goodness begins to read like adult Disney prose. Like having too much ice cream … I feel a bit nauseated.
    Definitely missed your early morning grumpiness and sense of humor.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. They lay it on pretty thick up there.
    Great commentary from Nick cave way back in 2013 in a Brain Picking article… an excerpt…
    “What we are actually listening to is human limitation and the audacity to transcend it. Artificial Intelligence, for all its unlimited potential, simply doesn’t have this capacity. How could it? And this is the essence of transcendence. If we have limitless potential then what is there to transcend? And therefore what is the purpose of the imagination at all. Music has the ability to touch the celestial sphere with the tips of its fingers and the awe and wonder we feel is in the desperate temerity of the reach, not just the outcome. Where is the transcendent splendour in unlimited potential? So to answer your question, Peter, AI would have the capacity to write a good song (story), but not a great one. It lacks the nerve.”
    Love, Nick

    Music, Feeling, and Transcendence: Nick Cave on AI, Awe, and the Splendor of Our Human Limitations


  10. I said I’d be back…the writing of this artificial imposter is just so not You!!! – not like the flow, intellect, wit, thought, care, Joy, gentleness, character feel, genuineness of you…what this imposter trying to copy-cat you is just not possible…yes, you live in a city – a very small city more like a town, the imposter is giving us a report on you, not capturing your heart’s feeling impact – put into words, that Wow & thought provoking message…we are all better for the beauty of your photos, your recommendations and your way with words…your mind is full of Amazing Wonder…which enriches us…

    Liked by 1 person

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