Here’s comes the Bride…

Rachel Kanigan & Andrew Lasota were married yesterday to form Andrew & Rachel Lasota!

Man in the background is Eric Kanigan (Son) who officiated the Wedding (and did an amazing job…)

(No photos of Dad, who couldn’t hold it together…)

Thank you Jan Morrison for the real-time pictures!

76 thoughts on “Here’s comes the Bride…

    1. I read this Michael and I said to myself we my be Brothers in another life. We they announced her new name Rachel Lasota, I hadn’t given it a thought. And then it hit me. “Yes, this really happened. Wow.” And I felt a twinge…yet if I was Andrew, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. So I get it. Hope you made it through the Hurricane unscathed…


      1. No loss of life or limb, and for that we’re thankful, grateful and humbled. The losses are just “stuff”. We fared much better than 95% people in SWFL.
        Congratulations again. I know the feeling all too well. But after 40years of “investments”, I expected a name hyphenating” Zahaby-Litten would have worked 😔

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  1. I get it, DK. Two of our three daughters have been married and it was very emotional for me. The good news is that hopefully there will be grandchildren in your future and while you might not believe it true, grandchildren are God’s gift for not selling your kids for medical research when they were teenagers 😊 Mazel Tov.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh, ♥️, how wonderful!! Congrats to all!! This new unit in the world will need all the parents (and maybe grandparents) and siblings it can get! May their spoken words of this day come back to thrill them even 50 years from now!

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  3. Congratulations to Rachel & Andrew! What a gorgeous couple! Walter & I send our love a best wishes for a happy life together! Wonderful photo! So happy for all of you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Such Joy!!! Best Wishes!!! to Mr & Mrs Lasota, circa 2022!!! Great that Eric officiated 🙂 Such Beautiful & Fond memories of such a special beginning of their Life together… Heart’s swell with Love…You, Susan and Andrew’s family -so proud and happy for their Sweet children as they witnessed through many tears the Joyous Celebration!!! /// PS I am also an October Bride – 40 years later this month 🙂

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  5. Congratulations to your beautiful daughter, her new husband, your handsome son, and the entire family, Fathers and daughters, that bond is beyond description 🥰

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  6. omgosh…. how stunning and beautiful. I don’t know any of you and I pushed out a very happy sigh and two tears…. How could you not have burst with emotions and pride and happiness.
    And your son being the officiant! How marvellous and wonderful.
    You, Susan and the whole family have spent an unforgettable day and hopefully uncountable more will follow. Congrats all round and keep that beaming smile for a while 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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