Monumental Reckoning

Hey folks, Peter here from Peak Design.

Today is June 19th, 2022. Juneteenth. What is now a national holiday was not so long ago an unknown day of celebration to me, and to many other Americans—a day that helps us remember and learn about our past in the hopes that it’ll help us all make a better future.

In the two years since George Floyd’s murder, I would like to think that the United States has taken significant steps in the right direction to constructively talk about race. At Peak, we are particularly aware of the role private companies can (and should) take in that work. Businesses have to be part of the solution in creating a sector that is more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Peak has certainly made strong strides in becoming a more just and socially responsible company, and in acknowledging the path laid out ahead of us to do even better.

Our vocal support of environmental and social responsibility has led to our reputation of being a bunch of “tree-hugging, latte-sipping snowflakes,” as one of our customers colorfully called us a few years ago (he was also extremely complimentary of our products, fwiw). That’s a bit of an unfair characterization, though, and one that I’d like to clear up.

It is true that this company has often signaled virtues that are more left-leaning. I fully cop to that. But I would like those who support Peak to know that this is not from a unilateral stance deaf to opposing arguments. We have a ferocious spirit of respectful debate at Peak Design, and that extends to our discussion of social issues.

My personal opinion is that the greatest threat to our society is not climate change…it’s division. It’s polarization. It is being closed off to those whose opinions are different from your own. Too many people assume that those with different opinions are either crazy, or stupid. When you see someone as crazy or stupid, it is very easy to foment hate. Hate is the emotion that fuels the worst of what humanity can be.

The fact is, name an issue…and the folks on the other side, I can assure you, are neither crazy nor stupid. Guns. Abortion. Vaccines. Wars. I know where I come down on all of these issues, and it probably looks like I’m a card-carrying lefty. But while I come down on one side of these issues, I’d like to think I do the work required to truly empathize with those who come down on the other side. I seek out opinions different than my own from friends, colleagues, and even strangers. It is a remarkably liberating feeling, but it is hard-earned through tough conversations. I think that if more people earnestly tried it though, we might have a happier world.

I’m just one person with one set of values at Peak. I don’t speak for everyone. You’ll find a wide range of opinions in our ranks. And while our stances might appear to be one-sided, it’s important to me that we show respect for the variety of upbringings, cultures, and values that exist in this world.

On this day, Juneteenth, I encourage you to listen to…really listen to…and put yourself in the shoes of those who don’t have the same beliefs as you. I also encourage you to keep learning, like this holiday has helped me do.

Another recent learning opportunity for me came from a temporary sculpture in San Francisco called Monumental Reckoning. It is a reminder of, and commentary on, the roots of slavery so intertwined with our country’s history. This piece of art communicated a positive message about how we must all put in the work to heal the wounds of our past for groups that have been enslaved, marginalized, and held down by the systems of the world.

I enjoyed learning the story behind this monument, and would love to share it with you here, in our Field Notes Journal.

The Peak team and I are incredibly grateful for the customer feedback and encouragement we get from our community. Thank you for supporting the work we do.

Be well,


Photo of Monumental Reckoning: This is the purpose of Monumental Reckoning, a sculpture in Golden Gate park that was unveiled on Juneteenth, 2021. The sculpture is the work of San Francisco artist Dana King, and consists of 350 bronze figures—symbolizing the enslaved Africans aboard the San Juan Bautista—encircling an ornate 19th century monument of Francis Scott Key, a historical figure best known for writing the American National Anthem. See/Read more here.

10 thoughts on “Monumental Reckoning

  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    WOW!! … so very mch needed!! … “Monumental Reckoning — It is a reminder of, and commentary on, the roots of slavery so intertwined with our country’s history. This piece of art communicated a positive message about how we must all put in the work to heal the wounds of our past for groups that have been enslaved, marginalized, and held down by the systems of the world.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A willingness to engage in active listening, to get uncomfortable, to give time, space and consideration to opinions and positions wildly different from one’s own. It’s not always easy, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t balk at times when I hear someone expounding on a viewpoint that is vastly different from my own, but damn…if we lose that ability to ‘reach across the aisle,’ we are doomed. Thanks so much for this thoughtful post, pal….


  3. Thanks for posting and I agree with much of what the author espoused. Polarization is tearing apart America. Engaging in conversation with people holding opposite points of view can often provide illumination and clarity for you own beliefs. As a Black American I find that our points of view are continually marginalized, minimized and often tried to be erased so I will continue to talk about CRT and the meaning behind it, that slavery did take place, that there is a reason for the “wealth divide” that election results in 2020 were only challenged in Black inner city areas. Uncomfortable conversations must be held if we are to realized the dream of a’Perfect Union” As the poet Langston Hughes said “I Too Am America”. I live in San Francisco Bay Area and am lucky to have seen the sculpture.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Robert. I’ve always admired your calm, your willingness to listen deeply to others and your determination to help others “see”, I mean really see the suffering. Thank you.


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