Sunday Morning

And the boy went into the elves’ church. He had never seen such people before, so noble and happy. Such is life when it is lived in peace and in song. When the hymn was over, the priest mounted the pulpit and preached a sermon. Never had the boy heard a sermon so beautiful or so touching. And never afterwards did he hear a sermon like it. All his life through he remembered it, meditating upon it in secret and trying always to live up to it; but the theme of the sermon he told to no one. Some people think that it must have been about how in the end good will be triumphant in the life of man. Then the priest went to the altar and intoned in a warm, gentle voice; quite differently from our priests here on earth. It was as if a good hand was laid over his heart Then when the last hymn had been sung, all the people stood up and went out… He kept the memory of this Sunday ever afterwards in his mind and it consoled him when he had to do without the happiness that others enjoy in life; and he grew up into a man pleased with what he had and contented with his lot.

Halldór Laxness, “Independent People

Photo: Photo by Tabitha Mort, Portland, Oregon

27 thoughts on “Sunday Morning

          1. Laughing. Like chiropractors, I’m opposed to therapists. (Recall that I was opposed to Physical Therapists for most of my adult life and and then I tried. And they worked miracles!)

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          2. Maybe it’s time to get out of that comfort zone and try a Therapist. They work wonders too. It’s not a lay down on the couch kind of thing, it’s a let’s talk thing. Or on the long shot, doubt it, you want the lay down on the couch type. LOL

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